• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s totally a fun feature driven project reliant on community efforts despite there is a commercial venture behind it nowadays. The core devs still treat it as their baby hobby project and nobody wants to do the boring job of maintaining a stable branch so it’s not going to happen.

    Some while ago I saw another discussion on this topic that was shot down with the opposing arguments that all users have to do is stay up date with the latest version, while also saying that users are at fault for things breaking because they update when a notification tells them that there is a new latest version.

    I think it’s arrogant and irresponsible and a ticking time bomb for a big time bug or zero day exploit and not how any serious project should be administered.

    I wish I could have Linus Torvalds give his colorful opinion on this mindset on developing the operating system for peoples homes.

  • It gets in the way by you having great times with your bestie, joking around, being open and chill. Then something, maybe one of you, maybe something external, triggers the old lizard brain. “Hey”, your brain goes. “You know, this is great. They are great. This would be a great person for reproduction and this a great time for the horizontal fandango!”. But this is your bestie, this is not why you’re here. Your conscious brain does not want to do the sexy sex with them but your primal urges do. You’re in a state of conflict in your brain, trying to rid yourself from one of those essential parts of your very being. What is worse, they have either triggered on the same thing or picked up something subconsciously and they are in the same state. Instead of being all relaxed and fun and open, you are both self conscious and stiff and trying to play it off. And you hate every second of it.

  • Of course it comes down to the individuals but those are my treasured personal recollections with the lesbian women I’ve been closer friends with. A special open and relaxed vibe that different from the special vibes I have with other friends. Even with my best female friends that we’d never smash our genitals together, regardless we have in the past or not, the sexual part in the back of the brain is always there even when the frontal lobe says nope. We don’t just don’t have the same mutual chill.