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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yes, also it doesnt technically have to be sand, there are concrete mixes and even just bedrock that can be used for similar purposes. I’ve been looking at sand batteries myself for this reason: run the battery hot when power is cheap, let it cool when not.

    This sort of thing is of course why it’s useful to have a market mechanism for energy, it can encourage us to build environmentally friendly solutions.

  • I get the sentiment in here, but the poster is missing an important point: there is a reason some group of lunatics (called the TSO or Transport System Operator or in some cases other power producers) are willing to pay for people to consume electricity when there is too much of it; They are not doing it for the sake of being lunatics, the electrical system cannot handle over or underproduction. Perfectly balanced (as all things should be) is the only way the grid can exist.

    The production capacity in the grid needs to be as big as peak demand. The challenge we face with most renewables is that their production is fickly. For a true solarpunk future, the demand side needs to be flexible and there need to be energy storages to balance the production (and still, in cold and dark environments other solutions are needed).

    In off-grid, local usages we usually see this happen naturally. We conserve power on cloudy low-wind days to make sure we have enough to run during the night (demand side flexibility) and almost everyone has a suitably sized battery to last the night. The price variability is one (flawed) mechanism to make this happen on a grid or bidding zone level.

  • I agree with you in principle, but in a world where some countries do possess nuclear weapons, the calculus is a lot more complex.

    In addition, possession of a nuclear weapon appears to be a comparatively effective way to quarantee territorial integrity. Would Russia have started their war of aggression in Ukraine if the Ukrainians still had nuclear capability?

    I have concluded that like all technology, there is a responsible and irresponsible way of having these weapons. It’s a technology that’s surely more trouble than it’s worth, but the genie is out and since it is, it’s worthwhile to recognise the responsible ways of using it.

  • A 1 minute google search would have revealed that the main ICBM used by the PLA uses a liquid fuel rocket. It is being replaced with the DF-41, but it is very likely DF-5 is the missile being referenced by the article.

    The DF-5s are used in two main operational modes: erecting a mobile launch platform commonly on rails (missiles stored inside mountain tunnels) or stored vertically and ready to launch in silos.

    China has maintained a sort of minimalistic nuclear deterrent for years - I think very responsibly - where a handful of quick to launch and well hidden nuclear weapons ensure other powers don’t get too uppity. The pre-fueled missiles in silos therefore represent an essential retaliatory strike component for China’s nuclear deterrent.

    Although embarrassing, this sort of corruption can cause catastrophic consequences. I would be happy that rotten apples like this are rooted out.