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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I mean, I do understand him saying: “don’t cut off water and power to over a million civilians, because it will be counterproductive in the long term”.

    But what he should really be saying is “don’t cut off water and power to over a million civilians because that’s fucking evil”.

    How did we get to this position where no leaders of the West will stand up and call this out for what it is?

    I understand it’s a complex situation, but treating an entire people like they’re subhuman is morally unacceptable. And I can’t fucking believe that the sodding Israelis - of all people - don’t know this.

  • Even if the former Twitter engineers were working on Threads - so what?

    I have had to demonstrate relevant skills and experience for every job I’ve ever applied for (beyond junior/trainee). This is just how the world works.

    It’s almost like Musk doesn’t understand how enormously normal it is to use skills and experience gained in one job when you go to the next one.

    And it’s not like Twitter has special IP - it’s a fairly straightforward system; the only difficulty is scale which Meta will already know all about.