Australian lawmakers have banned the performance of the Nazi salute in public and outlawed the display or sale of Nazi hate symbols such as the swastika in landmark legislation that went into effect in the country Monday. The new laws also make the act of glorifying OR praising acts of terrorism a criminal offense.

The crime of publicly performing the Nazi salute or displaying the Nazi swastika is punishable by up to 12 months in prison, according to the Reuters news agency.

Mark Dreyfus, Australia’s Attorney-General, said in a press release Monday that the laws — the first of their kind in the country — sent “a clear message: there is no place in Australia for acts and symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust and terrorist acts.”

  • QuokkaA
    96 months ago

    “I was going to support not causing the extinction of our species but someone made me late to work one day, so I support climate change now due to spite”

    Said nobody ever.

      36 months ago

      It’s more I don’t want to associate with this group they made me lose my job and then said suck it up its for the greater good.

      • QuokkaA
        6 months ago

        They don’t care if you associate with them or not, they care about the survival of our species/life on earth.