I’m curious how many active transmascs there are on here and want to get to know people better. Introduce yourself in the comments below. You can include anything you want.

Questions if you can’t think of any:


-Gender identity

-How long you’ve been transitioned/if you’ve transitioned

-Things that give you gender euphoria

-Where you’re from

-What you’re looking for in this community

-Random fun fact

  • JayJLeas@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Not sure if I even really belong here but here goes nothing…

    Name - Jay is fine

    Gender identity - transmasc nonbinary (it’s complicated)

    Transition length - was 6 years on T, currently off T for reasons

    Euphoria - idk, I feel pretty lost lately

    From - Australia

    Looking for - relatable content

    Random fact - I can touch my nose with my tongue (is that a fun fact?)