Oh this is nothing. Read up on the streetcars. The country basically removed most of its mass transit light rail because the car companies weren’t selling enough cars.
They didn’t even do it in smart ways. This town just paved over the tracks. Now, 80 years later or whatever it is, the streets are caving in and they have to do all these expensive repairs.
what… I know that you don’t have much in the way of public transit but… you remove what little you have now?
Oh this is nothing. Read up on the streetcars. The country basically removed most of its mass transit light rail because the car companies weren’t selling enough cars.
They didn’t even do it in smart ways. This town just paved over the tracks. Now, 80 years later or whatever it is, the streets are caving in and they have to do all these expensive repairs.
Not only that, but most cities will claim they aren’t big enough to support a tram, despite nearly every city having trams 100 years ago