• Sludgeyy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Why wait so long and not get found earlier or not long enough for the reward to increase by a lot? It’s in a weird time frame.

    Why risk traveling to PA where someone else might spot you first? Maybe crossing state lines increased reward?

    People will do a lot for money. My guess is someone is paying this guy’s family to take the fall because they do not want one of the highest profile murders in recent history to go “unsolved”

    Willy Loman would take the fall for money for his family

    Imagine letting the world know you could shoot a CEO in the middle of NY and get away with it. They would much rather everyone believe life is like CSI and they always get the shooter. Worth a lot to them to keep up the security theater.

    Couple days pass. The shooter got away and probably not going to turn themselves in to get the soap box.

    The guy could be the next Guy Fawkes if they let it get out of hand