Also, it’s pretty weird that on one hand there seems to be a design standard that’s universally considered desirable for a website, and on the other hand, the technology specifically built to make websites didn’t allow for that.
I don’t like the holy grail layout. I want the whole page to be scrollable.
Just put the menu and items on the top, I’ll block the ads so put those wherever, and I’ll just scroll down if I ever want to see the footer, which I won’t.
I’m here to read the content. Show me a screen full of content.
The holy grail thankfully isn’t around much on the modern web. It was very much a product of a time when web browsing always happened on a 4:3 monitor.
As previously mentioned by
Where all my OG
users at?The OG way is still the only universally supported one for e-mail templates. So it’s Thug
Life until further notice, I guess.Frames 4 lyfe
I only ever did freehand html back in the 90s… i took a web design class at a comminity college back then and when we got into css I stopped going