Day 12: Garden Groups

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    1 hour ago


    There is probably a more efficient way of finding the sides, but this way was what came to me.

    using System.Diagnostics;
    using Common;
    namespace Day12;
    static class Program
        static void Main()
            var start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            var sampleInput = Input.ParseInput("sample.txt");
            var programInput = Input.ParseInput("input.txt");
            var (samplePart1, samplePart2) = Solve(sampleInput);
            Console.WriteLine($"Part 1 sample: {samplePart1}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Part 1 input: {samplePart2}");
            var (inputPart1, inputPart2) = Solve(programInput);
            Console.WriteLine($"Part 2 sample: {inputPart1}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Part 2 input: {inputPart2}");
            Console.WriteLine($"That took about {Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(start)}");
        static (int part1, int part2) Solve(Input i)
            var retail = 0;
            var bulk = 0;
            var allPlotPoints = new Dictionary<char, HashSet<Point>>();
            foreach (var p in Grid.EnumerateAllPoints(i.Bounds))
                var plant = i.ElementAt(p);
                if (!allPlotPoints.TryGetValue(plant, out var previousPlotPoints))
                    previousPlotPoints = new();
                    allPlotPoints[plant] = previousPlotPoints;
                else if (previousPlotPoints.Contains(p)) continue;
                var plotPoints = new HashSet<Point>();
                var perimeter = SearchPlot(i, plotPoints, plant, p);
                var area = plotPoints.Count;
                var sides = CountSides(plotPoints);
                retail += area * perimeter;
                bulk += area * sides;
            return (retail, bulk);
        static int CountSides(HashSet<Point> plot)
            var sides = 0;
            // Track the points we've visited searching for sides
            HashSet<Point> visitedDownRight = new(),
                visitedDownLeft = new(),
                visitedRightDown = new(),
                visitedRightUp = new();
            // Sort the points in the plot from upper-left to lower-right, so we can
            // go through them in reading order
            foreach (var p in plot.OrderBy(p => (p.Row * 10000) + p.Col))
                // Move right while looking up
                sides += GetSideLength(p, plot, visitedRightUp, Direction.Right, Direction.Up) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                // Move right while looking down
                sides += GetSideLength(p, plot, visitedRightDown, Direction.Right, Direction.Down) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                // Move down while looking right
                sides += GetSideLength(p, plot, visitedDownRight, Direction.Down, Direction.Right) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                // Move down while looking left
                sides += GetSideLength(p, plot, visitedDownLeft, Direction.Down, Direction.Left) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            return sides;
        static int GetSideLength(Point p, HashSet<Point> plotPoints, HashSet<Point> visited, Direction move, Direction look)
            if (!plotPoints.Contains(p)) return 0;
            if (!visited.Add(p)) return 0;
            if (plotPoints.Contains(p.Move(look))) return 0;
            return 1 + GetSideLength(p.Move(move), plotPoints, visited, move, look);
        static int SearchPlot(Input i, HashSet<Point> plotPoints, char plant, Point p)
            if (!plotPoints.Add(p)) return 0;
            return p
                .Select(move =>
                    if (!i.IsInBounds(move) || (i.ElementAt(move) != plant)) return 1;
                    return SearchPlot(i, plotPoints, plant, move);
    public class Input
        public required string[] Map { get; init; }
        public Point Bounds => new Point(this.Map.Length, this.Map[0].Length);
        public char ElementAt(Point p) => this.Map[p.Row][p.Col];
        public bool IsInBounds(Point p) => p.IsInBounds(this.Map.Length, this.Map[0].Length);
        public static Input ParseInput(string file) => new Input()
            Map = File.ReadAllLines(file),
    3 hours ago


    Implementing flood fill or something like that would have been smart, so I didn’t do that. Instead I used a sparse-but-still-way-too-big-and-slow block matrix representation, which takes several minutes to compute the region partitions for the real problem. The rest is essentially simple, although counting edges has some picky details. The result is a lot of code though – way more than has been typical up to now.

    data_file_name =: ''
    grid =: ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name
    data =: , grid
    'rsize csize' =: $ grid
    size =: # data
    inbounds =: monad : '(*/ y >: 0 0) * (*/ y &lt; rsize, csize)'
    coords =: ($ grid) &amp; #:
    uncoords =: ($ grid) &amp; #.
    neighbors =: monad : 'uncoords (#~ inbounds"1) (coords y) +"1 (4 2 $ 1 0 0 1 _1 0 0 _1)'
    components =: 1 ((i.size) ,. i.size)} 1 $. (size, size); (0 1); 0
    NB. fuse (m, n) fuses together the components of linear indices m and n onto the
    NB. lesser of the two
    fuse =: monad define
       fused_row =. >./ y { components
       NB. 4 $. is a version of 1 I. that works on sparse arrays: it gives us the index array,
       NB. but it's rows of index vectors so we have to transpose to get just the column indices
       fused_indices =. {. |: 4 $. fused_row
       components =: 1 (, fused_indices (&lt; @: ,"0/) fused_indices)} components
    NB. fuse_all fuses all adjacent pairs of cells according to the grid contents; this makes
    NB. a "block diagonal" matrix of 1's where the block index groups are components
    fuse_cols =: monad define
       for_r. i. rsize do.
          for_c. i. &lt;: csize do.
             n =. uncoords (r, c)
             pair =. n, n + 1
             if. =/ (pair { data) do. fuse pair end.
    NB. To speed this up we only execute fusion once on each pair of adjacent contiguous groups,
    NB. since each row has already had its columns fused.
    fuse_rows =: monad define
       for_r. i. &lt;: rsize do.
          cur_cell =. a:
          in_group =. 0
          for_c. i. csize do.
             n =. uncoords (r, c)
             if. cur_cell ~: n { data do.
                cur_cell =. n { data
                in_group =. 0
             pair =. n, n + csize
             if. =/ (pair { data) do.
                if. in_group = 1 do. continue.
                   fuse pair
                   in_group =. 1
             else. in_group =. 0 end.
    fuse_all =: fuse_rows @: fuse_cols
    NB. count_edges n counts the number of fenced edges, which is 4 minus the number of neighbor
    NB. cells in the same component
    component_neighbors =: monad : '(#~ ((= &amp; (y { data)) @: ({ &amp; data))) neighbors y'
    count_edges =: monad : '4 - # component_neighbors y'
    NB. components component_index n gives the least cell index in n's component
    component_index =: dyad : '&lt;./ {. |: 4 $. y { x'
    NB. distinct components gives the list of component indices
    distinct_components =: monad : '~. 0 $. y component_index"_ 0 i.size'
    NB. components component_cells m gives the cell list of component m
    component_cells =: dyad : 'I. 0 $. y { x'"_ 0
    NB. components area m gives the area of component m
    area =: (# @: component_cells)"_ 0
    NB. components perimeter m gives the perimeter of component m
    perimeter =: (+/ @: (count_edges"0) @: component_cells)"_ 0
    components =: fuse_all components
    result1 =: +/ components (area * perimeter) distinct_components components
    NB. cell edges are given coordinates as follows: horizontal edges are numbered according to the
    NB. cell they are above, so [0..rsize] x [0..csize), and vertical edges are numbered according to
    NB. the cell they are left of, so [0..rsize) x [0..csize]. Two adjacent (connected) cell edges
    NB. belong to the same component edge if they have a component cell on the same side.
    NB. cell_edges m gives the edge coordinates in the schema above of the cell with linear index m,
    NB. as a boxed list horizontal_edges;vertical_edges.
    cell_edges =: monad define
       'r c' =. coords y
       neighbors =. component_neighbors y
       horiz_edges =. (-. ((y - csize), y + csize) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, (>: r), c
       vert_edges =. (-. ((&lt;: y), >: y) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, r, >: c
       horiz_edges ; vert_edges
    NB. cells hconnected r c1 c2 if (r, c1) and (r, c2) are horizontally connected edges
    hconnected =: dyad define
       'r c1 c2' =. y
       if. 1 &lt; c2 - c1 do. 0 return. end.
       if. (0 = r) +. rsize = r do. 1 return. end.
       upper_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ (&lt;: r), c1, (&lt;: r), c2
       lower_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r, c1, r, c2
       (*/ upper_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ lower_neighbors e. x)
    NB. cells vconnected c r1 r2 if (r1, c) and (r2, c) are vertically connected edges
    vconnected =: dyad define
       'c r1 r2' =. y
       if. 1 &lt; r2 - r1 do. 0 return. end.
       if. (0 = c) +. csize = c do. 1 return. end.
       left_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, (&lt;: c), r2, &lt;: c
       right_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, c, r2, c
       (*/ left_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ right_neighbors e. x)
    component_edges =: dyad define
       cells =. x component_cells y
       'raw_horiz raw_vert' =. (&lt; @: ;)"1 |: cell_edges"0 cells
       edge_pairs_of_row =. ((> @: {.) (,"0 1) ((2 &amp; (]\)) @: > @: {:))
       horiz_edge_groups =. ({. ;/.. {:) |: raw_horiz
       new_h_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells &amp; hconnected)"1 &amp;.>) (&lt; @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 horiz_edge_groups
       total_h_edges =. (# horiz_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_h_edges_per_row
       vert_edge_groups =. ({: ;/.. {.) |: raw_vert
       new_v_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells &amp; vconnected)"1 &amp;.>) (&lt; @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 vert_edge_groups
       total_v_edges =. (# vert_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_v_edges_per_row
       total_h_edges + total_v_edges
    result2 =: +/ components (area * (component_edges"_ 0)) distinct_components components
    4 hours ago

    Ended up oversleeping somewhat, so I did the first part on the way to work using flood fills over a global visited set, and now that work’s over I’ve sat down to expand that solution to do corner counting for part two as well.

    char[] map = new char[0];
    (int X, int Y) size = (0, 0);
    public void Input(IEnumerable<string> lines)
      map = string.Concat(lines).ToCharArray();
      size = (lines.First().Length, lines.Count());
    Dictionary<HashSet<(int,int)>,int> areas = new Dictionary<HashSet<(int,int)>,int>();
    public void PreCalc()
      HashSet<(int, int)> visited = new HashSet<(int, int)>();
      for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < size.X; ++x)
          var at = (x, y);
          if (visited.Contains(at))
          var area = Flood((x, y), visited);
          areas[area.Area] = area.Perim;
    public void Part1()
      int sum = areas.Select(kv => kv.Key.Count * kv.Value).Sum();
      Console.WriteLine($"Fencing total: {sum}");
    public void Part2()
      int sum = areas.Select(kv => kv.Key.Count * countCorners(kv.Key)).Sum();
      Console.WriteLine($"Fencing total: {sum}");
    readonly (int dX, int dY)[] links = new[] { (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1) };
    (HashSet<(int,int)> Area, int Perim) Flood((int X, int Y) from, HashSet<(int X, int Y)> visited)
      char at = map[from.Y * size.X + from.X];
      (HashSet<(int,int)> Area, int Perim) ret = (new HashSet<(int,int)>(), 0);
      foreach (var link in links)
        (int X, int Y) newAt = (from.X + link.dX, from.Y + link.dY);
        char offset ;
        if (newAt.X < 0 || newAt.X >= size.X || newAt.Y < 0 || newAt.Y >= size.Y)
          offset = '\0';
          offset = map[newAt.Y * size.X + newAt.X];
        if (offset == at)
          if (visited.Contains(newAt))
          var nextArea = Flood(newAt, visited);
          ret.Perim += nextArea.Perim;
          ret.Perim += 1;
      return ret;
    readonly (int dX, int dY)[] cornerPoints = new[] { (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1) };
    readonly int[] diagonalValues = new[] { (2 << 0) + (2 << 2), (2 << 1) + (2 << 3) };
    int countCorners(HashSet<(int X, int Y)> points)
      int corners = 0;
      var bounds = findBounds(points);
      for (int y = bounds.minY - 1; y < bounds.maxY + 1; ++y)
        for (int x = bounds.minX - 1; x < bounds.maxX + 1; ++x)
          var atPoint = cornerPoints.Select(c => points.Contains((x + c.dX, y + c.dY)));
          var before = corners;
          if (atPoint.Where(c => c).Count() % 2 == 1)
          else if (diagonalValues.Contains(atPoint.Select((c, i) => c ? (2 << i) : 0).Sum()))
            corners += 2;
      return corners;
    (int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY) findBounds(HashSet<(int X, int Y)> points)
      (int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY) ret = (int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
      foreach (var point in points)
        ret.minX = Math.Min(ret.minX, point.X);
        ret.minY = Math.Min(ret.minY, point.Y);
        ret.maxX = Math.Max(ret.maxX, point.X);
        ret.maxY = Math.Max(ret.maxY, point.Y);
      return ret;
    4 hours ago


    Takes about 3 seconds to solve both parts for live data, caused primarily by my terrible fill function in FieldCoords which repeatedly refills and dedups already discovered cells. I promised myself when I wrote it that I would revisit it, but I really can’t be bothered right now. Sorry Kai.

    Data   ← ⊜∘⊸≠@\n "AAAA\nBBCD\nBBCC\nEEEC"
    N₄     ← [¯1_0 1_0 01 0_1]               # Four orthogonal neighbours.
    Fences ← /+≡(/+=00⊡+N₄¤)⊙¤⊚.°⊚            # Fences for a field, by looking for edges.
    Cs     ← [0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0] # Number of corners keyed by bitarray of 2x2 grid.
    Sides  ← /+/+⧈(:Cs°⋯♭)2_2⌝↘¯11⌝↘1_1°⊚   # Add border, look for corners in 2x2 windows.
    ValidN₄     ← ▽≠@_@_:Data.+N₄¤
    FieldCoords ← ⍥(◴⍆⊂▽⊙:=⊢∩(:Data),,⟜(⍆◴∧(⊂ValidN₄)[]))∞¤  # Terrible fill to get a list of coords given a starting point.
    Fields      ← ↘1{(:⊙▽:¬∈,,FieldCoords⊢.|>0)}⊙◌↯∞_2°⊡Data # Repeatedly find next fields coords until grid exhausted.
    /+×≡◇⊃⧻Fences Fields
    /+×≡◇⊃⧻Sides Fields
    5 hours ago


    Had to rely on an external polygon library for this one. Part 1 could have been easily done without it but part 2 would be diffucult (you can even use the simplify function to count the number of straight edges in internal and external boundaries modulo checking the collinearity of the start and end of the boundary)

    import numpy as np
    from pathlib import Path
    from shapely import box, union, MultiPolygon, Polygon, MultiLineString
    cwd = Path(__file__).parent
    def parse_input(file_path):
      with"r") as fp:
        garden = list(map(list,
      return np.array(garden)
    def get_polygon(plant, garden):
      coords = list(map(tuple, list(np.argwhere(garden==plant))))
      for indc,coord in enumerate(coords):
        box_next = box(xmin=coord[0], ymin=coord[1], xmax=coord[0]+1,
        if indc==0:
          poly = box_next
          poly = union(poly, box_next)
      if isinstance(poly, Polygon):
        poly = MultiPolygon([poly])
      return poly
    def are_collinear(coords, tol=None):
        coords = np.array(coords, dtype=float)
        coords -= coords[0]
        return np.linalg.matrix_rank(coords, tol=tol)==1
    def simplify_boundary(boundary):
      # if the object has internal and external boundaries then split them
      # and recurse
      if isinstance(boundary, MultiLineString):
        coordinates = []
        for b in boundary.geoms:
        return list(np.concat(coordinates, axis=0))
      simple_boundary = boundary.simplify(0)
      coords = [np.array(x) for x in list(simple_boundary.coords)[:-1]]
      resolved = False
      while not resolved:
        np.concat([x[:,None] for x in [coords[-1], coords[0], coords[1]]], axis=1)
        if  are_collinear(end_side.T):
          coords = coords[1:]
          resolved = True
      return coords
    def solve_problem(file_name):
      garden = parse_input(Path(cwd, file_name))
      unique_plants = set(garden.flatten())
      total_price = 0
      discounted_total_price = 0
      for plant in unique_plants:
        polygon = get_polygon(plant, garden)
        for geom in polygon.geoms:
          coordinates = simplify_boundary(geom.boundary)
          total_price += geom.area*geom.length
          discounted_total_price += geom.area*len(coordinates)
      return int(total_price), int(discounted_total_price)
    10 hours ago


    Filling to find regions was easy. Counting areas was easy. Counting fences was okay. Counting sides caused me a lot of frustration as I tried and rejected a number of approaches, eventually arriving at a reasonably simple corner-counting approach. None of this was helped by all the examples lacking at least two important layouts, causing today to be the first day that I ran out of hints for wrong answers :-(.

    (corners is where the magic happens)

    70 or so lines, half a second to run, so that's fine for today.
    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    const List<Point> n4 = [Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0)];
    List<Point> n8 = n4 + [Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(-1, 1), Point(-1, -1)];
    const List<Point> c4 = [Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1)];
    (Map<Point, String>, Map<Point, List<Point>>) parse(ls) {
      var nodes = {
        for (var y in
          for (var x in Point<num>(x, y): ls[y][x] as String
      var nexts = Map.fromEntries( => MapEntry(
              .map((d) => n + d)
              .where((d) => (nodes[d] ?? '') == nodes[n]!)
      return (nodes, nexts);
    (int, Set<Point>) survey(
        Point here, String target, Map<Point<num>, List<Point>> nexts,
        [Set sofar = const {}]) {
      var fences = 4 - nexts[here]!.length;
      var area = {here};
      for (var f in nexts[here]!.where((e) => !seen.contains(e))) {
        var (fs, a) = survey(f, target, nexts, sofar.toSet()..add(f));
        fences += fs;
      return (fences, area);
    late Set<Point> seen;
    List<(int, Set<Point<num>>)> costs(List<String> lines) {
      seen = {};
      var ret = <(int, Set<Point<num>>)>[];
      var (nodes, nexts) = parse(lines);
      var toVisit = nodes.keys.toSet();
      while (toVisit.isNotEmpty) {
        var here = toVisit.first;
        ret.add(survey(here, nodes[here]!, nexts));
      return ret;
    Function eq = const ListEquality().equals;
    int corners(Set<Point> points) {
      var border = => => n + e)).flattenedToSet
      // A corner is where a 2x2 grid contains one/three in-shape points, or
      // two diagonally-opposite cells
      var corners = 0;
      for (var cell in border) {
        var count = => points.contains(e + cell)).toList();
        if (count.count((e) => e) % 2 == 1) {
          corners += 1;
        } else {
          if (eq(count, [true, false, false, true]) ||
              eq(count, [false, true, true, false])) {
            corners += 2;
      return corners;
    part1(lines) => costs(lines).map((e) => e.first * e.last.length).sum;
    part2(lines) => costs(lines).map((e) => corners(e.last) * e.last.length).sum;
    13 hours ago


    public class Day12 : Solver
      private string[] data;
      private int width, height;
      private Dictionary<int, long> perimeters = [];
      private Dictionary<int, long> areas = [];
      private Dictionary<int, long> sides = [];
      private int region_count;
      public void Presolve(string input) {
        data = input.Trim().Split("\n").ToArray();
        height = data.Length;
        width = data[0].Length;
        var graph_cc = MakeGraph(false);
        var cc = new ConnectedComponentsAlgorithm<Point, PointEdge>(graph_cc);
        var graph_all = MakeGraph(true);
        Dictionary<(int Component, int Y), List<int>> x_sides = [];
        Dictionary<(int Component, int X), List<int>> y_sides = [];
        var search = new UndirectedBreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm<Point, PointEdge>(graph_all);
        search.SetRootVertex((0, 0));
        search.FinishVertex += vertex => {
          if (IsWithinBounds(vertex.Item1, vertex.Item2)) {
            int component = cc.Components[vertex];
            areas.TryAdd(component, 0L);
            areas[component] += 1;
        search.ExamineEdge += edge => {
          var (si, ti) = (IsWithinBounds(edge.Source), IsWithinBounds(edge.Target));
          bool border = si != ti || cc.Components[edge.Source] != cc.Components[edge.Target];
          if (si && border) {
            int component = cc.Components[edge.Source];
            perimeters.TryAdd(component, 0L);
            perimeters[component] += 1;
            if (edge.Source.Item1 == edge.Target.Item1) {
              int y = Math.Min(edge.Source.Item2, edge.Target.Item2);
              x_sides.TryAdd((component, y), []);
              x_sides[(component, y)].Add(edge.Source.Item2 > edge.Target.Item2 ? edge.Source.Item1 : -edge.Source.Item1 - 5);
            } else {
              int x = Math.Min(edge.Source.Item1, edge.Target.Item1);
              y_sides.TryAdd((component, x), []);
              y_sides[(component, x)].Add(edge.Source.Item1 > edge.Target.Item1 ? edge.Source.Item2 : -edge.Source.Item2 - 5);
        region_count = cc.ComponentCount;
        foreach (var side_projection in x_sides) {
          sides.TryAdd(side_projection.Key.Component, 0);
          int last_x = int.MinValue;
          foreach (var x in side_projection.Value) {
            if (x != (last_x + 1)) sides[side_projection.Key.Component] += 1;
            last_x = x;
        foreach (var side_projection in y_sides) {
          sides.TryAdd(side_projection.Key.Component, 0);
          int last_y = int.MinValue;
          foreach (var y in side_projection.Value) {
            if (y != (last_y + 1)) sides[side_projection.Key.Component] += 1;
            last_y = y;
        foreach (var component in Enumerable.Range(0, region_count)) {
          if (!areas.ContainsKey(component)) continue;
      public string SolveFirst() =>
        Enumerable.Range(0, region_count)
          .Where(component => areas.ContainsKey(component))
          .Select(component => areas[component] * perimeters[component]).Sum().ToString();
      public string SolveSecond() =>
        Enumerable.Range(0, region_count)
          .Where(component => areas.ContainsKey(component))
          .Select(component => areas[component] * sides[component]).Sum().ToString();
      private record struct PointEdge(Point Source, Point Target): IEdge<Point>;
      private IUndirectedGraph<Point, PointEdge> MakeGraph(bool with_edges_between_plots)=>
        new DelegateUndirectedGraph<Point, PointEdge>(GetVertices(), with_edges_between_plots? GetAllEdges : GetEdgesWithoutBorders, false);
      private bool IsWithinBounds(int x, int y) => x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height;
      private bool IsWithinBounds(Point p) => IsWithinBounds(p.Item1, p.Item2);
      private readonly (int, int)[] directions = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)];
      private bool GetEdgesWithoutBorders(Point arg, out IEnumerable<PointEdge> result) {
        List<PointEdge> result_list = [];
        var (x, y) = arg;
        bool inside = IsWithinBounds(x, y);
        foreach (var (dx, dy) in directions) {
          var (ox, oy) = (x + dx, y + dy);
          if (!inside || !IsWithinBounds(ox, oy)) continue;
          if (data[y][x] == data[oy][ox]) result_list.Add(new(arg, (ox, oy)));
        result = result_list;
        return true;
      private bool GetAllEdges(Point arg, out IEnumerable<PointEdge> result) {
        List<PointEdge> result_list = [];
        var (x, y) = arg;
        foreach (var (dx, dy) in directions) {
          var (ox, oy) = (x + dx, y + dy);
          if (ox >= -1 && ox <= width && oy >= -1 && oy <= height) result_list.Add(new(arg, (ox, oy)));
        result = result_list;
        return true;
      private IEnumerable<(int, int)> GetVertices() => Enumerable.Range(-1, width + 2).SelectMany(x => Enumerable.Range(-1, height + 2).Select(y => (x, y)));
    13 hours ago


    This was a bit of a fiddly one. There’s probably scope for golfing it down some more, but I’ve had enough for today :3

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Set qualified as Set
    readInput :: String -> Map (Int, Int) Char
    readInput s = Map.fromList [((i, j), c) | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] (lines s), (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l]
    (i1, j1) .+. (i2, j2) = (i1 + i2, j1 + j2)
    (i1, j1) .-. (i2, j2) = (i1 - i2, j1 - j2)
    directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] :: [(Int, Int)]
    edges = zip ps (drop 1 ps) :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
        ps = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
    regions :: Map (Int, Int) Char -> [Set (Int, Int)]
    regions = unfoldr (fmap (uncurry removeRegion) . Map.minViewWithKey)
        removeRegion (p, t) = go Set.empty (Set.singleton p)
            go r ps plots
              | Set.null ps = (r, plots)
              | otherwise =
                  let ps' =
                        Set.filter (\p -> plots Map.!? p == Just t) $
                          Set.fromList (concatMap adjacent ps) Set.\\ ps
                   in go (Set.union r ps) ps' (Map.withoutKeys plots ps')
            adjacent = (`map` directions) . (.+.)
    boundary :: Set (Int, Int) -> Set ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
    boundary region =
      Set.fromList $
        [ (p .+. e1, p .+. e2)
          | p <- Set.elems region,
            (d, (e1, e2)) <- zip directions edges,
            p .+. d `Set.notMember` region
    perimeter :: Set (Int, Int) -> [[(Int, Int)]]
    perimeter = unfoldr (fmap (uncurry removeChain) . Set.minView) . boundary
        removeChain e@(e1, e2) es = first (e1 :) $ go [] e es
        go c e@(e1, e2) es =
          case find ((== e2) . fst) es of
            Nothing -> (e1 : c, es)
            Just e' -> go (e1 : c) e' (Set.delete e' es)
    countSides :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int
    countSides ps = length $ group $ zipWith (.-.) (drop 1 ps) ps
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input12"
      let rs = map (Set.size &&& perimeter) $ regions input
      print . sum $ map (\(a, p) -> a * sum (map (subtract 1 . length) p)) rs
      print . sum $ map (\(a, p) -> a * sum (map countSides p)) rs
      10 hours ago

      Thank you for showing the floodfill-algorithm using explored/open sets, mine was hellish inefficiently, reminds me of A*.

    9 hours ago


    Detecting regions is a floodfill. For Part 2, I select all adjacent tiles that are not part of a region and group them by the direction relative to the closest region tile, then group adjacent tiles with the same direction again and count.


    Takes 0.06s

    Reveal Code
    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
    parse :: String -> UArray (Int, Int) Char
    parse s = UArray.listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) . filter (/= '\n') $ s
                    n = takeWhile (/= '\n') >>> length $ s
                    m = filter (== '\n') >>> length >>> pred $ s
    neighborCoordinates (p1, p2) = [(p1-1, p2), (p1, p2-1), (p1, p2+1), (p1+1, p2)]
    allNeighbors p a = neighborCoordinates
            >>> filter (UArray.inRange (UArray.bounds a))
            $ p
    regionNeighbors p a = allNeighbors p
            >>> filter ((a UArray.!) >>> (== pTile))
            $ a
                    pTile = a UArray.! p
    floodArea :: Set (Int, Int) -> Set (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Char -> Set (Int, Int)
    floodArea e o a
            | Set.null o = e
            | otherwise  = floodArea e' o' a
                    e' = Set.union e o
                    o' = Set.fold (Set.union . Set.fromDistinctAscList .  (filter (`Set.notMember` e')) . (flip regionNeighbors a)) Set.empty o
    findRegions garden = findRegions' (Set.fromList . UArray.indices $ garden) garden
    findRegions' remainingIndices garden
            | Set.null remainingIndices = []
            | otherwise = removedIndices : findRegions' remainingIndices' garden
                    removedIndices = floodArea Set.empty (Set.singleton . Set.findMin $ remainingIndices) garden
                    remainingIndices' = Set.difference remainingIndices removedIndices
    perimeter region = Set.fold ((+) . length . filter (`Set.notMember` region) . neighborCoordinates) 0 region
    part1 rs = map (Set.size &&& perimeter)
            >>> map (uncurry (*))
            >>> sum
            $ rs
    turnLeft ( 0, 1) = (-1, 0) -- right
    turnLeft ( 0,-1) = ( 1, 0) -- left
    turnLeft ( 1, 0) = ( 0, 1) -- down
    turnLeft (-1, 0) = ( 0,-1) -- up
    turnRight = turnLeft . turnLeft . turnLeft
    move (py, px) (dy, dx) = (py + dy, px + dx)
    tupleDelta (y1, x1) (y2, x2) = (y1-y2, x1-x2)
    isRegionInner region p = all (`Set.member` region) (neighborCoordinates p)
    groupEdges d ps
            | Set.null ps = []
            | otherwise   = collectedEdge : groupEdges d ps'
                    ps' = Set.difference ps collectedEdge
                    collectedEdge = Set.union leftPoints rightPoints
                    leftPoints = iterate (move dl)
                            >>> takeWhile (`Set.member` ps)
                            >>> Set.fromList
                            $ currentPoint
                    rightPoints = iterate (move dr)
                            >>> takeWhile (`Set.member` ps)
                            >>> Set.fromList
                            $ currentPoint
                    currentPoint = Set.findMin ps
                    dr = turnRight d
                    dl = turnLeft  d
    linearPerimeter region = Map.foldr ((+) . length) 0 $ groupedEdges
                    edgeTiles = Set.filter (not . isRegionInner region) region
                    regionNeighbors = List.concatMap (\ p -> map (p,). filter (`Set.notMember` region) . neighborCoordinates $ p) . Set.toList $ region
                    groupedNeighbors = (uncurry tupleDelta &&& Set.singleton . snd)
                            >>> Map.fromListWith (Set.union)
                            $ regionNeighbors
                    groupedEdges = Map.mapWithKey groupEdges
                            $ groupedNeighbors
    part2 rs = map (Set.size &&& linearPerimeter)
            >>> map (uncurry (*))
            >>> sum
            $ rs
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . findRegions
            . parse
    12 hours ago


    Runtime: 7ms 3.18 ms

    Part 1: I use flood fill to count all grouped plants and keep track of each border I see.
    Part 2: I use an algorithm similar to “merge overlapping ranges” to count spans of borders (border orientation matters) in each row and column, for each group. Resulting code (hidden under spoiler) is a little messy and not very DRY (it’s completely soaked).

    Edit: refactored solution, removed some very stupid code.

    proc groupSpans()
    proc groupSpans(borders: seq[(Vec2, Dir)]): int =
      ## returns number of continuous groups of cells with same Direction
      ## and on the same row or column
      var borders = borders
      var horiz = borders.filterIt(it[1] in {U, D})
      while horiz.len > 0:
        var sameYandDir = @[horiz.pop()]
        var curY = sameYandDir[^1][0].y
        var curDir = sameYandDir[^1][1]
        for i in countDown(horiz.high, 0):
          if horiz[i][0].y == curY and horiz[i][1] == curDir:
            sameYandDir.add horiz[i]
            horiz.del i
        sameYandDir.sort((a,b)=>cmp(a[0].x, b[0].x), Descending)
        var cnt = 1
        for i, (p,d) in sameYandDir.toOpenArray(1, sameYandDir.high):
          if sameYandDir[i][0].x - p.x  != 1: inc cnt
        result += cnt
      var vert = borders.filterIt(it[1] in {L, R})
      while vert.len > 0:
        var sameXandDir = @[vert.pop()]
        var curX = sameXandDir[^1][0].x
        var curDir = sameXandDir[^1][1]
        for i in countDown(vert.high, 0):
          if vert[i][0].x == curX and vert[i][1] == curDir:
            sameXandDir.add vert[i]
            vert.del i
        sameXandDir.sort((a,b)=>cmp(a[0].y, b[0].y), Descending)
        var cnt = 1
        for i, (p,d) in sameXandDir.toOpenArray(1, sameXandDir.high):
          if sameXandDir[i][0].y - p.y  != 1: inc cnt
        result += cnt
      Dir = enum L,R,U,D
      Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int]
      GroupData = object
        plantCount: int
        borders: seq[(Vec2, Dir)]
    const Adjacent: array[4, Vec2] = [(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)]
    proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] =
      let grid = input.splitLines()
      var visited = newSeqWith(grid.len, newSeq[bool](grid[0].len))
      var groups: seq[GroupData]
      proc floodFill(pos: Vec2, plant: char, groupId: int) =
        visited[pos.y][pos.x] = true
        inc groups[groupId].plantCount
        for di, d in Adjacent:
          let pd: Vec2 = (pos.x+d.x, pos.y+d.y)
          if pd.x < 0 or pd.y < 0 or pd.x > grid[0].high or pd.y > grid.high or
            grid[pd.y][pd.x] != plant:
            groups[groupId].borders.add (pd, Dir(di))
          if visited[pd.y][pd.x]: continue
          floodFill(pd, plant, groupId)
      for y in 0..grid.high:
        for x in 0..grid[0].high:
          if visited[y][x]: continue
          groups.add GroupData()
          floodFill((x,y), grid[y][x], groups.high)
      for gid, group in groups:
        result.part1 += group.plantCount * group.borders.len
        result.part2 += group.plantCount * group.borders.groupSpans()

    Codeberg repo