Looking to binge a new show. Open to all genres. It doesn’t have to be a new show but I’m just looking to find one that I really can’t get enough of. Thanks :)
The first season of Altered Carbon is incredible. Season two is good, but doesn’t capture the spirit of the first.
The books are pretty sweet too
They’re fun, but the author could certainly have more well-rounded descriptions of the female characters instead of “she had nice jugs and she was a lawyer”
Bro was horny.
You have to binge watch it just to keep track of what the hell is going on.
You sure do.
In the original German.
Ist alles in ordnum?
Sadly, this is one that must be watched in German. The English dubbing is absolutely terrible.
Really great show. I have a hard time describing it with ruining the show, but it’s basically about a small town in Germany, where people basically grew up together. It follows the drama between them all, and how their actions reverberate throughout their history together. It gets hard tracking people because it shows a lot of people at different ages, so it compounds the number of faces you need to recall.the show I think is very good about clarifying by the end of an episode, I think. Don’t read about it online because there’s a lot to learn organically.
That show is aptly named. The scenery is dark. The story is dark. The people are dark. EVERYTHING is dark.
Bojack Horseman.
I avoided it for years because I thought it would be a run of the mill “edgy” adult cartoon. My wife was out of town and I was looking for some second screen video while playing video games and checked it out.
I was immediately hooked and had to start over when she got home so we could watch it together.
Trainwrecks and drama
- Breaking bad/Better Call Saul
- Shameless
- Dexter
- Suits
- Lucifer
Comedy types
- The Good Place
- Brooklyn 99
- resident alien
- Sex Education
- Bonding
A Man on the Inside to add another Michael Schur show. Not overly comedic like his other shows but still solid.
Man it’s a good show. I just watched it the other day, tore right through it. Beautiful show. Michael Schur just knows what works for me.
Dexter is one of the few shows I have started and never bothered finishing.
Lucky you.
Yeah, if you leave out the last 10 minutes or so of the last episode of seson 8, it’s one hell of a show.
Agree and a new young Dexter series just dropped, with Michael C. Hall as Harry
I got hooked on Arcane.
Omg I finished both the seasons on just 2 days in the weekend, loved it so much
That season 2 episode 2 opening montage about the power vacuum was so good I just watched it on repeat for an hour.
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Think this is one of the few shows where I enjoyed the TV series more than the books
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I binged Superstore. At first I was meh about it but gave it another go and absolutely fell in love with it.
Have you watched the spin off, Good Girls?
How was that a spin off? I did watch most if but lately lost interest.
They were laundering money through Cloud 9.
That’s all it takes to call it a spin off?
The screen where you try to pick what you’re gonna watch.
If you haven’t watched the Rohl Dahl stuff directed by Wes Anderson, you should. I loved every single one of them.
Snowpiercer is great. It’s not perfect but I really enjoyed it to the end. Some great characters and great scenes.
The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window. We turned it on in the afternoon to check out the first episode and wound up watching the whole thing that day. Only series we didn’t split out over days. It kept us enthralled because we started the show wondering “Wtf is this show?” and never got an answer. It’s not for everyone.
I now fill my wine glass aaaall the way up.
I only watch netflix shows once a season 3 gets released.
I don’t watch netflix shows
I don’t get “into” shows on Netflix anymore. I wait a year or two to see if it gets cancelled first. Can’t wait to check out 3 body in 2026-27
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Wild, Wild Country. Docu-series on the Rajneeshis in Oregon during the 70s. My parents lived through the era in Oregon, so that helped draw me in, but it is good nonetheless.