Bottom layer is corn tortillas, then i layered in refried black beans, veggies, enchilada sauce and some canned tomatoes with chiles, a second layer of that then one more layer of tortillas, beans, enchilada sauce and silken tofu blended with nooch, soy sauce, miso, but of lemon juice
The refried black beans were from a can but single ingredient, I mixed them with some water and tomato product to the consistency I wanted
The enchilada sauce was guajillo peppers soaked in boiling water with grated ginger and cracked black pepper then it was all blended and strained thru a wire mesh. If I used alliums onions and garlic would have made it better
The veggies were a frozen Mexican mix which included corn, red bell pepper, broccoli and cauliflower. I don’t know what was Mexican about it but I microwaved it first and chopped up the broccoli and cauliflower to corn size
Sweet baby Moses that looks tasty!
Sounds amazing. But I can’t shake the feeling that the tofu topping looks like strawberry swirl cheesecake! 😂
I can’t unsee this lol
I don’t understand what is on top. Is it silken tofu? Is it enchilada?
its in the description, its blended silken tofu with miso, lemon juice and nooch. This is essentially enchiladas I didn’t bother rolling and made “lasagna” style