I am going to be the person who needs to ask… who are they?
Wonderful job, however! Beautiful detail.
I am going to be the person who needs to ask… who are they?
Wonderful job, however! Beautiful detail.
Oh my. Almost 54,000€. But oh my. But almost 54,000€. But–
deleted by creator
Well done about the schedule, OP!
As for me, I changed my bedsheets without getting a migraine, which is a very very rare occurrence and feels amazing.
Thank you both – and apologies. I feel I’m thick as porridge with this topic. I bought my Hassio Yellow months ago and I keep on pushing this because it is so daunting.
I finally understand the difference between what I have (connecting my device to a VPN service) and what I need (setting up a server so I can connect to my device) – so I can call myself wiser than yesterday!
ExpressVPN offers port forwarding and I’ve read about it on the Hassio website, but I am not sure that’d be the way to go for someone who baaarely knows what they are doing.
Ah. Shit (pardon my French). I understand.
I got a VPN router a while ago, and all my connections at home go through it (console, Hassio, laptop, etc.). This way I get to choose individual locations for each device.
I’m using ExpressVPN, by the way.
Would this be a first step for what you explain?
Look at ‘em. So precious 🥺
I see! I am not the owner of the license so I “piggy backed” without reading much about the options it offers.
I’ll read about it and try to set it up.
Thank you for taking the time to teach me about this!
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out.
And they say money doesn’t bring happiness 😅 I wish I could…!
Sorry, I am not sure of how to answer your question…
I am using VPN to browse internet in general. If I try to access the (iOS) Hassio app without being connected to the same WiFi as my Hassio, I cannot do anything. It doesn’t even load. Should this be different?
I can’t unsee this lol
“Fuck ton” is the only acceptable amount of curry to make.
Thank you for this! Time for some shopping.
Aw that is even more wholesome. I saw the crow (aarakocra?) and instantly thought of my last Wanderhome game <3