It’s Friday, I’m in love 💕
Postie has the hump now the ombudsman and auspost are making him do his job and keeps repeatly ringing the doorbell until we answer and snidely handing us every single package regardless of whether or not it needs a signature. For some reason he seems to think this is vengance.
Bless the little idiot.
This result sparks joy. I wish I could receive parcels like this.
Don’t understand how they make their job so hard.
In this case, emotional maturity of a hamster i’m guessing. He can’t go the ol’ yeet route 'cos of the cameras.
It’s because it’s not hard and they feel entitled to it being even easier. My years in public service have taught me that, essentially guaranteed employment for people with few transferable skills, leads them to think they should be doing even less.
Going to each door, ringing doorbells and waiting up to a minute for every parcel takes time. They can get through their route an hour quicker if they skip that and just leave the cards.
In ye olden days, over half of the houses had nobody home during the day anyway. The good posties learned which houses these were and pre filled out the cards. That saved loads of time. It eventually evolved into just about everyone getting a card.
These days, a lot of people work from home and actually want their deliveries. That’s eating into the posties’ previously saved hour. Some of them seem to resent it.
Actually even more hilarious: The dumb fuck doesn’t like our stairs and he doesn’t like our driveway.
Now he could literally just leave parcels at the out-of-site nook explicitly left there for this purpose and actually just avoid the whole stair issue but he tried to escalate “gee, your driveway looks a bugger to back out of” (and yes, it does but traffic is shockingly polite and always stops! Not to mention we are literally 90% of the way through building a turning circle that can take a moving van) to “Your driveway is unsafe to use” which then he tried to make an OH&S issue and well, if you make a stupid blanket statement like “The driveway is unsafe to use at any time of the day” (like he did) and involve OH&S then you end up with vic roads and council inspections blowing holes in your arse and ombudsmen getting involved, especially when I have ten pages of every other driver on the face of the planet using it without issue.
So Auspost have told him to fucking go park on the other side of the road then and walk them across you lil bitch. So his choices are: Use our driveway and admit he was fucking lazing it (and get caught on camera being fulla shit) or park on the other side of the road, walk every single parcel across the road (having to use the lights) and then walk back to his van.
He has chosen the latter. This is somehow our fault.
I think I missed it but did you end up involving the council and vicroads in the end?
Woo, got a call back for the job I applied for. Interview week after next. Still feel numb about it but it’s something! Not getting my hopes up but it’ll be good practice and a relief to shut up my brain that thinks I’m unemployable after 7 weeks of bumming around
That’s awesome, I really hope you’ll have some good luck with this.
Is it a good role?
It’s so-so. Pay could be better and I don’t know what the org/team is like, also would be a bit of a drive away - but the experience level is just where I’m at, varied tasks, and a good foot in the door in local gov. If I got it I could see myself doing it for a year and moving on
Tell brain to shut up! This is the universe telling you that you are fully worthy of a good and great employment experience. That having been said, though, I wonder if this job is exactly right for you long term. Thinking of it as a good stepping stone seems pretty sensible to me. And no real need to weep if it doesn’t happen. There most definitely is the right job out there for you. Might take just a tad bit longer to find it.
Brain is really a bit too loud and overbearing sometimes, even when it’s in a fog, rude thing. Am legit feeling fairly casual about this job though - no hard feelings if it doesn’t happen. I’m not really pushing for my dream/forever job at the moment, just an inroad to local government so I can expand my options and bide my time a little. A contract role would be ideal, but so far it’s all been permanent 🫤
I do need to get my arse off the couch and stop eating into my savings though, so if nothing pans out by March I might chase up some low-stakes temp field work.
Cat tax
Ted is obviously scheming about biting your bum again.
Déjà Vu. They’ve changed something in the Matrix.
Look at those two little nuggets. Peas in a pod. Ted is looking nicely filled out now. He can nip my bum for a change.
Bill has been slowly losing weight while Ted has been slowly putting it on. They are each served the same amount. ( Bill lets Ted eat his food , Ted was half starved in his previous life )
The young Seagoons call them potatoes. 😻🥔😻🥔
They’re so beautiful I wanna cry. 😩
I’ve been quite poorly with this back injury/sciatica this past month and they have barely left my side. 😭
Nup. Too cute!
Oh my goodness!!!
Ted is on the left??? It’s getting really hard to tell them apart.
yes, Ted is on the left, he’s about 5 cm shorter
😻😻😻I loved Ted with his freshly shorn coat, but he’s looking so good now that it’s growing out too!
The last earthquake I felt actually fixed the shower screen door that used to stick. Nature’s own handy man.
I’ve been slowly befriending a lil black bird in my yard and today he felt comfortable enough to hop up towards, flick some leaves in my direction, and hop on 20cm right past me instead of flying a further distance to get around me.
Pretty chuffed.
I’ve fed the dog and he still tries to hustle a meal from other family members. Fucking scammer.
I can’t get Vegas to eat his food today. He just keeps whinging for a treat (he has these chicken milk stick things he loves) but I said this afternoon no more sticks until he eats his food and I meant it.
I did treat him with a little bit of roast chicken at lunch time though…
Smear the food with peanut butter.
Or clever? Hehe.
He has the street smarts but I’m pretty sure cats do this too. Haha.
It’s not even 9:30, but I’m ready for bed. Nigh nighs
Peace out homey
Have a great day people!
Have a great day too!
You too!
My good next door neighbour is having work done on his house today. Asked me if the tradies can use my driveway to park and set up. I agreed. He just dropped a case of Coronas at my house as a thank you.
At least I’ll have something to give to guests now :)
Or you could ask a favour from someone and thank them with a slab of Coronas.
Just need to make sure the neighbour isn’t around when it happens.
I’m awake so I’ll do the new thread.
Um, ultra nit-picky grammar correction here. THINE refers to a proper noun. If you want to attribute ownership to the destiny you have to use THY.
Either one works. Not both.
Also, the whole THEE/THY/THINE thing is the intimate mode - for use between close friends, lovers and family members only. Think “tu” in French. The YOU/YOURS is more formal - suitable for strangers, grown ups and the government. Think ‘vous’ in French. Though calling a government (any) grown up is a bit of a stretch.
Last remnant (or nearly) of this sort of distinction in English.
I knew there was something I liked about you. Thank you and Bless Thy Heart 🙏❤️
I arose, went forth and put my recycling bin out. Was that my destiny?
Your typesetter appears to be drunk
Got confused, fulfilled density.
I shall fulfill the fridge of frothy beer my lord
Not enough hippos for that. Do you have access to a secret, sacred supply?
Please visit @Baconmashbrownsugar for all your sacred flesh requirements.
Yeah, nah mate.
Something something manifest destiny something something succulent Chinese meal
It worked! I’m the very best Pokemon trainer that ever was! ✊👊🤛🤜
This is for @melbaboutown. I was reading about how you’re worried you can’t focus because you keep looking at new things.
Looking at new techniques and materials is awesome, not a fault. NOT A FAULT.
What I was taught at art school is to do projects. Every new student is encouraged to choose a project, every week they are guided in learning and practicing technique and materials for the project. More than one project is encouraged.
So focus on the project but at the same time your interest can drift in all kinds of directions, and the drifting can all go towards achieving the project.
A project is typically something than can take a lot of hours of research, reading, testing, thinking, learning, practice, actually doing. A project is a work of art.
Good advice for anybody. The point of a hobby is not a race to the finish. The point of a hobby is enjoyment and personal knowledge growth. Meander as much as you want. That’s the best part.
Thanks! It’s only a problem when I collect hobby stuff or never really progress or finish anything due to not being able to apply myself
I have hobby type stuff. Lots of beading and jewellery making supplies. Years ago I went on a kind of hobby rabbit hole learning techniques and materials.
Here is what I learnt. Nearly every craft hobby developed over the past 150 years was made by manufacturers of hobby materials and books. It only works when you use their exact products. Because the materials are so specific creativity is limited. ( a good example is diamond glue pictures). It’s expensive.
old fashioned hobby materials are best for traditional projects and are always going to look rustic and handmade.
And she who dies with the most fabric and craft supplies wins.
Art supplies and resources!! ( not hobby materials. )
and strike while the inspiration is hot 😊
I’m surprised. Was looking to spend quite a bit of dollarydoos on a new trench coat. I had specific design details that I wanted (not all trench coats are the same) and I saw one (online) that I’m assuming was last season’s stock (all sold out). By chance I went into the store and asked. They had one left and it was 4 sizes bigger (I was looking for oversized) and I wasn’t sure it would work, but the lovely store person made it work! I’m so chuffed. (It was also missing a small bit, but not bothered.) From looking at spending 4-something (it was also originally priced in that range) to less than 70.
In fact, I love it so much I’m sitting in it typing. Haha.
I’ve bought bigger sizes before thinking I could get the oversized thing to work, but I don’t think it works with all pieces of clothing.
A picture of the guy whose been tricking people into sitting on him with fake seizures.
He needs a big Tongan guy and his mates to hold him down. Scumbag.
that is sick 😫
My daughter has been invited to study (online) some sort of science subject at Southern Cross University in Queensland in which she maybe offered a scholarship later on. She will do the subject but will not take the offer for said scholarship.