My sister just got me a right handed spatula for Xmas. Am I in danger?
She is trying to kill you, call the cops
Danger? You’re already dead, you just don’t know it yet.
I can’t believe there’s that many deaths on a yearly basis because of that. I’m a leftie but I’ve never had any issues with tools except scissors. Guess I gotta be careful with those from now on.
I suspect it isn’t a real statistic. If it is though I’m guessing things like safety shutoffs being in weird locations for lefties being a culprit
Snopes says it is unproven.
I want to see the stat of right-handers dying from using right-handed equipment.
Removing people with only one hand from the stat, I’m going to guess by percentage it’s pretty close.
Most left-handers I know adapted really well in this right-handed world.
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I’m guessing it’s any death when a leftie is using right handed equipment, even though deaths would have happened anyways. However, if they counted how much higher it is than it would be for righties statistically, I could accept that some dangerous equipment is slightly more dangerous with the wrong handle (like chainsawing).
But also, I remember that texting while driving deaths statistics were inflated because they just included any time a phone had been on within several minutes of an accident, regardless of circumstances.
Honestly from my experience this could be chainsaws alone. They’re by far the worst thing I’ve come across as a lefty and I’m fairly ambi. Most other chiral two handed power tools either don’t matter as much or can trivially be swapped around like angle grinders, trimmers, etc.
Just don’t try to use a right handed jackhammer
I am now scared of you.
This should also include having health coverage, but being denied because ‘the system is working as it’s intended’
Those without health coverage are not quite the same as those that pay out the ass for it, but are still denied because greed
That sound like lacking coverage to me.
Denied= not covered
Not covered when you need it = lack of coverage
Not gonna lie, I thought this was gonna be a Saddam Hussein or Loss meme.
We could have had the trifecta
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Lack of coverage?
You can have insurance and still die.
How many deaths were for covered people who couldn’t:
Afford to seek care and delayed checking symptoms until it was too late.
Couldn’t afford the treatment due to poor coverage or high copay.
Get their treatment approved.
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that “+” is doing some heavy lifting, hope it doesn’t get a hernia
Lefty: picks up right handed scissors. SNIP.
Lefty: well there goes my femoral artery, I guess I’ll just bleed out then.Yeah, am left hand dominant and I really hate when that happens.
Saw a guy bring his southpaw friend who had never shot a gun before to the range. He handed him a pistol lacking ambidextrous controls, gave him minimal instruction, dead.
The shark thing always bothers me. Like of course it’s rare to be killed by a shark since most people don’t swim in the ocean.
How likely are you to be killed by a shark if you’re swimming right beside one?
Pretty fucking slim.
I mean of course a full size great white, bull shark, or tiger shark. I’m aware that most species of sharks are much smaller and pretty harmless to humans.
Even then… Sharks don’t like the taste of humans. They only attack when they think you look like a seal and then immediately spit you out because eww humans taste gross.
They are simply chilling and you’re in their space and they did a little oopsy. It’s not their fault.
But still more likely than being killed by a cow.
Waiting for the Discovery Channel to make May “American healthcare month” packed with documentaries about how shitty health insurance companies are.
Damn that’s like 15 9/11’s worth of dead Americans every year. That’s like 2/3rds of a whole Vietnam wars death totals every fucking year.
US politicians: … We need to introduce more regulations for the use of right handed equipment to reduce deaths in the country.
Dead in committee over an unresolved conflict on the definition of ‘left handed’
I know the focus here is healthcare. But as an Australian, this is how I feel every time some fuckwit politician orders a shark cull: you farkin’ wanker…
I really need to move my end table
What’s wrong with this comparison is that most people don’t go where sharks are, while most people interact on a daily basis with stairs and beds. To compare apples with apples, we need a statistic of shark deaths in people that go swimming in the ocean.
Okay, but what if you’re on an electric boat?