That isn’t smoke, it’s steam! Steam from the steamed clams we’re having. Mmmm, steamed clams!
Where is the floor in this panel? The stove is on stilts, and her feet would be in the same level as his knees. Maybe he’s standing in a hole? Maybe there are 3 steps up to the kitchen?
Some old stoves had legs. Super uncommon these days though.
We got smart and instead of wasting that space Thats got all gross and dusty now we have drawers for warming and storage.
It’s not the legs so much as the legs are way too long as to put it on the same plane as her. The perspective of the the three main panel features are out of whack.
So is he a villain or not? The outfit, gun, and threat say he is. But if he’s implying that he’ll protect her cooking reputation, maybe he’s a saint!
She’s lucky he showed up at just the right moment!