Im kind of new to Angular and I think I’m finally starting to understand the difference between canMatch and canActivate guards in terms of behavior, but I still struggle to understand which to use in which scenario.

Let’s say I have an application with some component/page that requires a user to be logged in, and also have certain permissions. It seems to me that it doesn’t really matter which one to use, right?

And yes, I understand that this is all client side and the actual backend endpoints need to do the same checks, I’m just wondering why you would use one over the other.

Any insights would be welcome.

Note: I’m using Angular 19.

    19 days ago

    Not that simple. You have several moving parts just in your frontend. But all of your frontend is still accessible. E.g. if you run ng build, the output javascript will contain links to your module:

    / src/app/app.routes.ts
    var routes = [
        path: "no-match",
        canMatch: [noMatchGuard],
        loadChildren: () => import("./chunk-2W7YI353.js").then((m) => m.NoMatchComponent)
        path: "no-activate",
        canActivate: [noActivateGuard],
        loadChildren: () => import("./chunk-JICQNUJU.js").then((m) => m.NoActivateComponent)

    So whoever wanted to see what’s in those separate files and just load the code in those components directly.

    And of course, you have the backend completely separately anyway. Those two lazy-loaded modules - whether protected by guards or not - will contain links to your /count. If they’re called or not is not relevant, whoever is interested can read the code and find the URLs. Someone can just call your /count without even looking at your code.

    See if this lil image of the moving parts helps: