Gotta love a Sunday!
Apparently I’m a monster because I closed the bedroom door while I re-strung my guitar. Strings are very pointy at the ends, and would easily hurt a cats body or in particular, their eyes.
You would think I was actively torturing a rather small cat if you heard the wails. So dramatic.
Is Gibson channelling her inner husky perchance? Or did she think you were eating sardines without the proper feline approval and participation?
I thank god that there’s a door that divides the front half of the house to the back half. Would never get privacy otherwise.
Can I see cat
Melbcat is hiding from me because I had to force feed her meds.
Another week of this twice daily to go…
Poor thing. Hopefully she’ll get used to it for the remaining time.
Apparently it’s very bitter so probably not. I just hope it does the job and this week passes quickly
Pickles and potat all labelled ready for storage 🙂
Go you! Such a stash
wow , that’s looks awesome ( and delicious )
I googled how to increase my blue tooth range and it said to put them closer together.
I’m slowly tidying and cleaning after months of being pretty bed bound
Don’t overdo it….
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I’m having a coffee too , this slow tidying is killing me
Family visiting this weekend and I whipped up a proper lunch for everyone around my table. Realised it’s the first time I have cooked for a group in this new place. And it worked well. It’s a small apartment but everyone fit and chilled and it was really nice. I needed that. 💛
Grinding Subnautica today 🐟🐠🫧🐟🦀🐙🐬🦑🦈🪸🤿
I’ve tried to play that game so many times, but the deep sea scares me in ways I find difficult to verbalise.
Sometimes, I just skate across the top to the islands and scream because I don’t know what’s below me, and what if they’re all chasing me just under the surface.
What’s your favourite bits of the game? :)
I tried too as well and I find it too scary for me :(
I’m ok with sailing, have gone on many long ferry rides and done yacht sailing and I’m ok with the ocean . I suppose I’m on the border between the water and the dry world, I’m in floating world, which is a different place
It’s more the fact that you get attacked and it feels scary under the sea and when you go looking for materials in caverns.
I know there are bigger monsters and fishies later in the game and if the start of the game terrifies me I don’t think I’m going to make it anywhere near the later stages of the game.
I’m talking about real life experience!!
Have you gotten as far as getting a PRAWN suit? They aren’t quite invincible, but they can take a hit from anything in the game. One PRAWN suit and a repair tool, and you can face anything in the ocean. You can kill just about anything in the ocean, for that matter. Though the game does nothing to encourage or reward that.
I have, even made a cyclops and went down to the lava area? It’s been a while since I played, before Sub Zero came out. But I just hate large organic masses looming out of the dark, watery depths. Lights up a primal fear where climbing a tree seems like a great idea hahah
I tend to watch other people play instead, same with horror games. The only horror games I’ve been able to play through are the short indie ones by David Szymanski 😅
Yeah the ocean is terrifying. Blue holes.
Ha yes! It’s wild because I am an experienced diver IRL professional and recreational.
Thalassophobia has only stricken me on those rare occasions where you have really good visibility in daytime and floating over a coral shelf that drops off into the abyss. Into nothingness.
This game does an astonishing job of replicating that feeling. It’s uncanny. (The large screaming monster noises probably don’t help either lol)
Thalassophobia has only stricken me on those rare occasions where you have really good visibility in daytime and floating over a coral shelf that drops off into the abyss. Into nothingness.
yup, I found looking into the abyss terrifying
so why isn’t it terrifying to look up into sky? Why don’t I get the same terror when I’m flying? It’s odd
maybe the abyss is a different world and that’s why it’s scary
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the good relationships are invisible
ding ding. 🛎️ that’s it.
My experiences have been truly terrible. I got together with the wrong sort of person, and have paid the price for that repeatedly. That said, and regardless of my experience, I do believe there are healthy relationships out there to be had.
I think one must be more selective which is interesting, because I’ve found that the longer I’m single, the more prone I am to making a catastrophic mistake in who I let into my life.
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Then be extra careful who you are vulnerable with.
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My apologies if that’s how it came across. I didn’t mean to imply that.
I try to post good bits, but it feels weird/boasty/not ok. Complaining is more broadly accepted ☠️
people do love to gossip about other people’s bad relationships
most media does feed that
me, I’m fairly private but I want to say I’m the luckiest person in the world to have Mr Seagoon,
This is a topic I’m very interested in. Investing in a relationship is hard work sometimes. Taking the rough with the smooth, communication about issues, that sort of thing. If you grew up with shit examples of relationships and parenting then it can become a default program for yourself as well, and it sometimes takes hard work and guts to break the mould. People don’t know how to do it, therapy can be costly and time consuming, and people tend to believe that if a good relationship doesn’t come easily then it’s not worth it.
Also it must be said: some relationships do not survive long after the early passionate heat of sexual discovery makes way for the place where companionship grows.
The sun is getting very tardy about rising these days, most disappointing. Mr Woof insisted I get up at 6am this morning and now he’s gone back to bed and I’m sitting on the couch looking out at darkness.
You’ll get your dawn back for a little bit in a couple of weeks. But yeah, brace yourself.
[Insert Sean Bean meme here]
Here’s a weird one.
Neighbour dropped off some chocolate yesterday out of the blue.
This guy complains about my leaves on the nature strip… cuts his lawn with hand shears. I’ve only spoken to him maybe 3 times.
He’s an odd dude… but…
then he said which uni degree which I did well over a decade ago… How the fuck would he know that.
Major stalking vibes.
Don’t eat the chocolate.
And next time refuse it. Don’t take gifts from weirdos. It might feel like the more dangerous option to refuse, but assholes may treat is as you owing them some kind of debt.
Yeah in retrospect that is what I should’ve done.
Hindsight has the best useless advice. Be gentle with yourself.
It’s in the bin heh.
test the chocolate on a mouse
Could this be whoever nicked your chilli crop? And the choc is a sorta kinda apology?
Have you mentioned the degree to any other neighbours? He might have heard about it that way, and is trying to make conversation, very awkwardly. But still weird to mention it to you. And don’t eat the chocolates.
that’s the weird thing I haven’t mentioned it. It’s the most boring conversaion killer degree you can think of.
The Sydney Road Street Party is on, and this is great. Chilling on my balcony with a coffee and getting some free live music. 🤘
Lucky thing! I so miss living around Sydney Rd!
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I am made of regrets,
Of atoms and silhouettes,
A life repaying the debt
Of a misspent youth.
Trashy and uncouth,
Nothing to show for
For the years on show for
A man who didn’t know what he had to lose,
While he lost, now I’m a loser too.Not forewent.
Well spent.
Expreience is cumulative
This is why we live.
The days seem to be flying by so fast. Does anyone else remember that old ad of Jimeoin repeatedly sliding past the camera in his jocks yelling “Monday!” “Tuesday!” …?
You have reminded me of it. My best metal picture of him involves the escalator walk behind a bench.
Someone else remembers! I can’t find the ad and thought I imagined it
I read somewhere that as you age, each day seems shorter because subconsciously you compare it to all the time that’s already passed. To a 30 year old, a day probably feels like what 4 hours feels like to a 15 year old.
I hope that makes sense.
Yep. See the Stephen King short story “My Pretty Pony”.
Took Minipeelers to an optometry appointment, which I cleverly scheduled when the Brunswick Music Festival started. I love local festivals! I just had the nicest salt and pepper calamari I’ve had in years, and the fish and chips swoons. It’s a great vibe down here and it’s only going to get better! I encourage anyone who can to get down here and enjoy the day, there’s going to be so much free music and street performers, plus I’ve already bought something from a couple of street vendors, there’s heaps of stalls. Don’t mind me I just love this kind of thing!
Aw yeah!! Treat yourself!! 💜💜