Tomorrow Donald Trump will take the oath of office again. By spurning economic populism and embracing Bush-era Republicans, Democrats helped pave the way for his second inauguration.

    16 days ago

    I’m always suspicious of this sort of analysis because what are they basing it on? If you have no data, you’re just speculating about what would have worked and that’s just lazy. For every analysis saying Democrats were too bipartisan, there’s at least 5 others saying they were too far-left. They’re all equally lazy, just relying on the author’s blatantly biased speculations.

    I can think of two things that are too obvious to be doubted about this last election: 1) Inflation and the non-informative way the media covered its causes drastically harmed Democrats 2) Biden was a terrible candidate due to being old as fuck and shouldn’t have run. Anything else, bring evidence.

    For an example of a non-lazy opinion that focuses on actual data about why people voted one way or another, this is the best one I’ve seen.