Yes, it’s almost like not kowtowing to fascists is a good strategy.
Oh look its just like we told all the apologists it would be.
Yes, Biden could have stopped this genocide any time. But he didn’t care until he saw that it was costing him votes. I guess the Russian trolls were onto something.
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There are enough domestic terrorists that you don’t even have to accuse Russia here.
Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for being correct.
people don’t like uncomfortable truths
Hey, I’m Canadian! And I’m not really a troll, more of a hater.
hater of genocide.
Leftist have been spitting facts since 1848, the world just hasn’t bothered to listen. 👂
”Netanyahu,” he continued, “has been dealing with America the way a spoiled teenager deals with his parents: with perpetual rebellion, perpetual insults and perpetual scandals.”
While not inaccurate, I’d resent this association if I was still a teenager.
I think this is a little unfair to spoiled teenagers. They have never committed genocide.
I am no history buff, but it’s highly likely some spoiled teenager committed a genocide in history.
Alexander wasn’t all that great…
Why would the US still think of Israel as its ally?
Calling Israel a “spoiled child” sounds delusional at this point.
Mainly I’d say because of Iran. Bibi hated the nuclear deal because he needs Iran as a wedge to keep the US behind them.
Media is really going to try and spin abstaining from a nonbinding resolution as some courageous stand against Israel…
It’s not non binding. Security council resolutions are binding.
America just lied and said it’s non binding right after the resolution passed to cover for israel anyways. But it’s not true.
So, it was a binding resolution for immediate ceasefire…
There’s no ceasefire…
So how is it binding? Where’s the enforcement?
Has any country even stopped aid to Israel because they’re continuing their genocide?
Israel is still flagrantly breaking international law, which is more “binding” than any UN resolution
Israel has violated like 140 UN resolutions. Enforcement votes get blocked by the US.
As long as Genocide Joe keeps sending them more bombs they will continue.
The UN is a diplomatic platform, that occasionally goes kinetic with peacekeeping or aid missions. The majority of the UN is bureaucrats of various levels, talking to other bureaucrats of various levels, to work together.
The UN is also the world police, but much more like a bounty hunter than a SWAT team. Any enforcement actions taken, are VERY targeted, have very well defined limits and rules, and basically requires a sponsor nation(s) to actually go Do The Thing. Which also requires the UN to agree to all those limits, rules, etc and to agree that enforcement is required.
Very often the UN gets bogged down by geopolitical influence issues, like with Syria in the 2010s. The no-fly zone that kept Gadaffi’s Air Force from stopping the uprising, wasn’t a UN action.
Wait the ceasefire wasn’t honored? Serious question.
Not yet, and it was only supposed to last till 4/9…
So there’s not a lot of time for it to go into effect, which was the whole point of “immediate”.
That’s what I mean. People want to make this seem like a huge deal, but even if it happens eventually, it won’t last long.
Holy shit. Bibi may have actually fatally overplayed his hand. This is incredible.
Fucking tragic that it took a genocide to do it, though.
It’swhat they get for “Biten” the hand that’s been feeding them for months…
The better part of a century.