Netanyahu. Executed for crimes against humanity.
Netanyahu. Executed for crimes against humanity.
Yourfavouriteguy made an interesting video on why TikTok was “saved”. Not sure if it’s been verified but makes sense given Trump’s proclivity for deals.
That shivers my timbers
They don’t seem to mind subsidising Israel’s free healthcare, education and affordable housing.
“It’s too late to roll the dice” instead of “it’s too late to apologize” sounds much more meaningful.
Can confirm. I’ve stopped using my brain at work. Moreso.
I got a killer headache from that mead one time so no alcohol for you!
Defenestrate! Defenestrate!
Literally the only people who want this crime to happen are the Zionists and their puppets.
That’s absolutely perfect
I hope they are sent to the Great settler colony in the sky.
US Propaganda
Companies have decided to cut the crap and just focus on their core mission of being evil
This is the way.
She wouldn’t let a Palestinian speak at the DNC and pledged to do everything in her power to suck up to Netanyahu. There is so much cope here. There is no fucking difference between Biden, Kamala and Trump. They all suck off Satanyahu. The US is controlled by the Israel lobby. Mearsheimer has been screaming about this for 20 years.
They recognise the ICJ and still ignore it’s rulings like the recent one that demands Israel pull out of all Palestinian lands it conquered in 1967, by September 2025.
I like this.
Courtesy flush, bro. Its what they do in Prison.
Might as well at this point.
The dastard