• j4k3@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Freedom can result in unexpected or maybe inconvenient initiations with a partner, but they are rare. Washing sheets more often is important. At least with me, I need the freedom of mobility to sleep. After my broken neck and back, I sleep like I’m special forces on a mission. If the fitted sheet is not totally secure, it will end up dead in a pile on the other side of the room by sunrise. Physical disability can be like that. The parts of me that died come back to haunt the living world when I fall asleep.

  • Ving Thor@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Being so used to sleeping naked that it feels very weird and uncomfortable when I have to sleep with clothes on.

    • Ahornygirl@lemmynsfw.com
      1 month ago

      It’s a diabolical plan we evil masterminds use to ensure we get extra cuddles during the middle of the night.

    • GBU_28@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      The wife and I just pulled the trigger on what we call euro style sheets (we’ve only seen it in Europe, no clue if it’s common): 2 single size comforters on our normal sized bed.

      Also makes laundry day easier

      • StrangeBedfellow@lemmynsfw.com
        1 month ago

        It depends on the country and possibly also where in that country. Fairly common in my experience in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and maybe the Scandy countries where you often get two mattresses instead of a single double. I don’t recall ever having seen them in the UK or Ireland, and in France, they’re more of the exception than the rule.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    Not being clothed when quick action was needed. That’s why I stopped sleeping naked ages ago.

    Only time I do now is if me and the wife get frisky and fall asleep like that.

    Matter of fact, one time we did, it ended up reinforcing why I don’t sleep naked. My dad was having a heart attack and was coming to me for help, and I had to fumble into clothing while making my way to him. My dad lives with us; I just noticed it could look crazy without that fact.

    No consequences from that tiny delay, but it was an unnecessary delay. And it was when I changed how I set up my stuff in the bedroom. Shoes at the foot of the bed, go bag beside them with anything I pull from pockets in it along with enough basic supplies for an overnight stay someplace like a hospital, plus bare minimum supplies for other kinds of overnight situations. Shirt on top of the bag. Cane and jacket by the bedroom door, or on the chair near the bed.

    If I gotta grab and go, I can be ready by the time I’m out of the bedroom. Or I can be ready for any realistic in house emergency.

    But waaay back, I had other instances where I needed to be ready to roll asap, and the delay of getting dressed just added more stress and confusion to an already difficult situation.

    Refining how I set myself up at bedtime was done over years dealing with the occasional high priority event showing what was most likely to be needed or useful in the event something was wrong now. Rearranging it for having someone in bed with me permanently seems to have made it where I think it won’t need changing

    It even extends to where some things are in the house. The first aid gear is central, in a small cabinet that’s built into a wall. One big bag, plus a few stacks of stuff for semi urgent care. It’s further away from me than I’d prefer if I needed to grab and go again, but it’s the fastest location from any given section of the house.

    Other stuff gets put where it’s most likely to be needed, or where it’s easy for someone not familiar with the house to be verbally directed to. Extinguishers, as an example.

    All of which is tangential to what you actually asked, since I don’t sleep naked very often, even post connubial bliss. Which was something that kind of annoyed my wife until my dad’s heart attack. She got it then.

    But that’s the only problem I ever had with sleeping naked. It’s way more comfortable, the skin gets to breathe free, and temperature regulation is easier. Totally the best way to sleep.

      • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        We’re nestled up against the Appalachians. Bad weather, aging parents, extended family, our critters being attractive to predators, you name it, I’ve had to jump and run for it.

        Basketball shorts can bugger off when you live where you might run into coyote, feral dogs, or whatever else might want to grab a bite of a leg. Plus, in winter that’s a different hell no lol.

        Crocs are fine as far as that goes, and I keep a pair by the door. But you can’t trust them if you’re moving fast, or I can’t. They also aren’t great in winter, or rain.

        If I knew ahead of time that all I’d need to do is something minor, I could just sleep in lounge pants or sweats. But if I’m having to drive a half hour at batshit speed because one of my cousin’s cows is in trouble, and nobody else is answering, I ain’t showing up in clothes that can’t handle the task without scraping up my knees. Which, you’d think someone other than the disabled fucker would answer the damn phone when we all benefit from the farm in one way or another, but nooooo, I’m the one that answers, and I can barely help with the real emergencies with the cows. That’s an aside though.

        If I’m heading to somewhere that family needs support, I may not need jeans or whatever, but I’ll need my go bag since when something goes wrong, you can’t guarantee you’ll only be there a few hours. The actual bugout bag is stashed in the closet. We’ve never had to evacuate, but it’s there in case. My go bag is purely for the bare basics overnight, with the assumption I’ll be returning home in reasonable time to refill my medication supplies.

        But, yeah, I sleep in jeans. I buy stuff that’s loose enough it doesn’t bother me at all. If anything, the extra warmth over lounge or pajama pants is nice. No boots, I keep a pair of those at my cousin’s, which is the only place I’d need them often enough to make them useful. Just a solid pair of trail shoes that I can wiggle into. Since I sleep in socks for comfort anyway, they work better than crocs even for running out the back door to shoot a predator after the birds. Socks n crocs with feet my size pinch and grab, or if I go a size bigger, will slide around too much.

        Last time I had to go running, it was my cousin. Ended up having to help him with a calf that wasn’t coming out. Swapped out to boots when I got there, and it was an all night thing.

        Time before that, it was just a coyote (or maybe feral dog, it’s hard to tell in the dark) stalking the rooster. By the time I was out the door, even being partly dressed, with shoes that slide on, grabbed the shotgun and got out there, he had lost some feathers and was beating the ever loving hell out of the thing. While I think he would have finished the job of running it off on his own, if he hadn’t, it only takes a few seconds for a predator to tear up even a big rooster like him. A few seconds can matter.

        Shit, I think it was may or June last year my sister called me needing a bit of personal security due to a stupid ex. She’s only fifteen minutes away, but I don’t want to show up to maybe have to kill a motherfucker in shorts and crocs. It’s fine if I could shoot the idiot, but I’d probably have to get up close and personal, and I’m already disadvantaged with the disability shit, so I ain’t fucking around with inferior footwear lol. Crocs are comfy as hell, up to a point, but they’re not built for sparring, much less a full out fight.

        Homie, shit gets crazy up here lol. The really crazy stuff might only be a few times a year, yeah. But when they happen every damn year for decades, you kinda start planning for them.

  • RBWellsV23@lemmynsfw.com
    1 month ago

    None of the ones I worried about. I only wear clothes to bed if I know there is something happening really early (like if I have to take someone to the airport at 4:00) and want to be able to roll out of bed and go. The kids know not to open the door, I have 3 different robes for different temperatures, and husband has shorts ready to jump into in case of emergency - he is more of an early bird than me.

    The only thing that really bothers me is dreams. If I am dreaming I’m not sure who is in the bed with me and will panic and put on a shirt before even quite waking up enough to realize I’m with my husband!

    What I worried about was the fucking palmetto bugs getting on me (they are outside bugs but get in sometimes in the rainy season and they are my phobia) but the insect apocalypse seems to have reduced their population precipitously, which is terrifying of course but not in the way I had feared. And nothing so urgent and requiring me to be clothed has happened that I would not have time to throw on clothes and flip flops to handle it.

    Overall, sleeping naked with my husband is the best.

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Met my first palmetto bug my second night in Florida. Bathroom light was out in my shitty rental, thought it was a bat flapping around.

  • toomanypancakes@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The dog needing to go potty at 2 am so I’m getting dressed in the dark trying not to wake my husband so I can take her outside

  • spacemanspiffy@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Once in high school my dad ripped the blanket off me to wake me up… He didn’t do that anymore after that day :)

    Otherwise literally 0 problems that I can recall. I’ve slept nude and often without blankets since I was like 14.

    • RBWellsV23@lemmynsfw.com
      1 month ago

      The fuck? We shower before getting into bed. Makes mornings easier and keeps the bed nicer and I sleep better. They are getting into bed dirty?

      • SybilVane@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        Even if you’re clean going in to bed, you sweat and you have natural oils from your body. Normally your clothes would absorb all of that, but over the course of a week your bedsheets will start to show the difference between the two sides.

        • RBWellsV23@lemmynsfw.com
          1 month ago

          Ah. Yeah I am cold when sleeping, not sweaty. But that makes sense. We wash sheets on Fridays and they do not look dirty by then, not worried about being cleaner than that.

  • Battle Masker@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I have to wear an insulin pump so I can’t just be naked. When I did sleep naked I tried having a running belt on, but the first 2 or 3 I tried had a buckle that would make me sore in that one spot. So I just don’t too often anymore

  • BunnySir@lemmynsfw.comOP
    1 month ago

    I used to sleep naked, but now I just sleep in my boxers. My wife and I used to stay at a friends house after we would perform a late-night stage show (RHPS), and the friends kid was usually supposed to be at his grandmother’s place on those nights. One night, I kicked my blanket off in the night and the kid came home early. My wife noticed I was flopped out of my boxers before I woke up and heard the kid running towards the guest room. She acted quick, and I have to bring my sweatpants to overnights.