The winner was the guy who could successfully exert power over the judiciary, while the loser was the guy without a committed vanguard ready to storm an election counting office to guarantee victory.
If somebody on the internet writes in English and thinks their country is implied without any sort of context, it’s 9 times out of 10 somebody from the USA.
Could you also fix the 2000 election so the winner would have won?
The winner was the guy who could successfully exert power over the judiciary, while the loser was the guy without a committed vanguard ready to storm an election counting office to guarantee victory.
Strange use of “win” to describe a situation where everyone loses.
Do you know how many election there were in the year 2000? Gotta be more precise than that
If somebody on the internet writes in English and thinks their country is implied without any sort of context, it’s 9 times out of 10 somebody from the USA.
Ironically I’m Canadian but yes I meant the USA.