The Canadian government has insisted that information on domestic goods is readily available to all trading partners, even including nations that recently elected a felony-convicted game show host to be their head of state. Instead, the United States has decided to employ a rarely-chosen trade tactic that international economists refer to as the “fuck around and find out” model.
Americans did choose this.
Either by directly voting for him or looking at the choices and deciding not to participate.
Saying “Americans” indicates the intent was to accuse ALL Americans of supporting trump. That’s demonstrably false. And I believe that blanket statements should be called out when they are wrong.
I am an American. That makes me part of the term “Americans” when it’s spoken. I did not vote for him. Therefore, saying American chose this is wrong.
No, saying you chose this is wrong but saying that Americans chose this is correct because he was democratically elected.
No, if the election was fair, he would have lost. In fact, he would probably be in jail by now. The Republicans have been disenfranchising people for decades including by passing laws and limiting access to voting, there’s heavy gerrymandering, disinformation campaigns, etc., etc.
The results of the election are not based on a fair election. Some people actively voted for this, either because they’re bad people or willfully ignorant, but many people couldn’t vote. For many people who did vote, their vote didn’t count the way it should (gerrymandering). Education funds and topics have been cut for decades. People aren’t taught how to think critically, and check to see if news they read is factual. Some of this has been going on for decades and we’re seeing the compounded results of those tactics.
So, no, America did not vote for this. We were shoehorned into it and now blamed for it. Fuck that noise. We’re all at the mercy of these assholes and need to fight back.
He won based on the current rules.
Does that make it all of America’s fault? If they make the rules and then win ONLY because of the rules, that doesn’t make it everyone’s fault. It makes it the fault of the people who made the rules. Don’t be obtuse. They want everyone to blame everyone else instead of blaming them. We have to come together or this shit will destroy civilization.
Election rules don’t come out of a vacuum, the people made them.
very naive perspective. bigger forces than “the people” are throwing everything they can at your democracy and this “oh well” attitude is handing your ass to them on a silver platter.
You think I have an oh well attitude because I don’t think I do.
As if Americans didn’t hand the White House to Republicans every few years knowing full well they are the party of gerrymandering, vote suppression and racism
You cannot now pretend they are victims of happenstance
Through ignorance, bigotry and mostly apathy, Americans as a whole, chose this
No. That is a minority of people. Don’t forget that cuts to education (connected learning critical thinking and being able to find reputable information sources), gerrymandering, and changes to laws have been happening for decades. There is some apathy, sure, but most isn’t apathy–it’s learned helplessness. No matter what they do, nothing changes.
You want to be mad at America? Good! I’m American and I’m mad at America. Let’s not pretend that this all happened in a vacuum and there weren’t any influences on why this happened. I don’t blame everyone for all of this. I blame the oligarchs, mostly, but there have been specific people in key positions making this happen. Many people were just manipulated. If your education is poor, your opportunities are few, and nothing you do makes anything better, you might change your vote once in a while. Sad, but true.
show me what they did and we can start discussing liability here
I suppose that’s a fair point. It comes down to perception I guess. Maybe it’s best described as “some” Americans chose this.
The headline is just vaguely misleading enough to fuel the anti-American ideology even further. Because as we’ve seen right here on lemmy, there are people stupid enough to believe that the entire country supports everything that criminal does.
The scores of “don’t blame me / don’t blame all of us” comments ring hollow.
If Americans want to convince Canadians that they don’t want what the person elected to represent them wants then I expect to see “support Canada” rallies in every democrat-leaning city across the country.
Even if it did absolutely nothing to solve the problem it would at least fill me with a hope that a few people actually give a damn.
It’s the exact same thing as saying Americans voted in Obama, it’s not meant to be a statement that’s correct for every individual.
Oh I know, I’d probably take issue with that as well. I just hate blanket statements.
You hate all blanket statements?
As I said earlier, I believe blanket systems should be called out when they’re wrong. Maybe you missed that part.
But isn’t the problem is that all blanket statements are wrong?
I mean there will always be an exception.
How about: “Most Americans who bother voting, chose this. The majority of the rest couldn’t be bothered trying to vote knowing full well it would result in a trump presidency anyway”
Accurate enough?
I mean, if there was some type of legitimate rigging of the election in PA or whatever Trump was referring to with Elon being smart with computers (or whatever that was), then you’d be correct. However, if we’re to assume the outcome of the votes is 100% legitimate, then Americans did in fact vote for this based on the outcome. It’s not meant to include every individual vote, just the outcome of the whole.