The two mayoral candidates were reported killed on the same day. Their deaths bring the number of local politicians killed in the lead up to Mexico’s June elections to 17.

Two mayoral candidates were killed in two different parts of Mexico as the country heads to elections in June, authorities said.

Center-right mayoral candidate Noe Ramos of Ciudad Mante was fatally stabbed in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, said state attorney general Irving Barrios. Authorities are searching for the suspect.

Local media reported Ramos, who was seeking reelection, was meeting with residents in the street on Friday when the suspect stabbed him with a knife.

Meanwhile, in the southern state of Oaxaca, another mayoral candidate Alberto Antonio Garcia, was also found dead on Friday, according to the state prosecutor.

He and his wife Agar Cancino, who is the mayor of San Jose Independencia, were reported missing on Wednesday. Cancino was found alive.

The electoral board said such crimes “should not occur during elections.”

      6 months ago

      Man, anyone refering to a sitting President as “poo poo” (kks) is barred from claiming others are propaganda accounts. It’s also absurd to pretend the Mexican Government would make propaganda accounts for effing Lemmy. Ever heard of ROI?

      I did not list any atrocities by any President and unlike you, i’m not fixated in any particular administration. List whatever you want and I’ll stand by it, but I’d advise to list a balanced and objective account of drug-related violence in the last 30 years or so, to put things in perspective and help OP understand his main question, which is the impact of a state party running the country for 70+ years in all of this.

      Official data suggest an increase in murder that’s lower than the population increase. Same thing happened under the last PRI’s term (2012-2018) That’s what I stated, and even conceded that it meant things are basically the same instead of taking the officialist approach of claiming it diminished.

      Don’t get so fired up my man, both approaches to security suck. PRI, PAN, MORENA, they’re all over their heads when it comes to fighting Cartels, precisely because they got too close to power since the 1970s during the state-party rule. Mexico faces the same issue the US faces with lobbying, but instead of corporations, they’re drug cartels.