Anyone at a loose end for what to do this weekend? There is a spud festival happening in Trentham!
Ah dammit, I won’t make it up there :(
So it’s the cats bed and I get to use it sometimes. Thankfully I lure her over to that white doona with treats and she snuggles under it during the night.
aww, she is definitely a lovely cat 😻
Freshly groomed doggo always goes crazy…
What a beautiful smile! 😍
I love him so much.
He’s the most popular member of the family.
That’s a very happy doggo. 😊🤗
He’s the best boy
I’m off to this wedding reception soon and I’m hoping for main meal to be beef.🤞
“I’m surprised the brides sister decided to dress hotter than the bride.” == WEDDING BEEF
sitting cozily at home and the main meal will be beef
I’m still crossing fingers and toes.🤞
Star Wars wedding !
Music so loud. Turkish wedding. Entrees fish 👍
This sounds wonderful. 😊
and lots of best wishes to the couple and the family 💖💖💖
Oh it is good just really fucking loud.
Happy Star Wars day! 🌠
Did a Bunnings run and had to interrupt an animated discussion about the movies between a couple of the staff to ask where something was. 😄
May the force be with you.
And also with you.
Thanks Bacon
Of course. Movie marathon and sofa day I think!
And go!
Nice. I’m trying to choose my outfit for today 😂
I’m wearing my “visit Tatooine” T-shirt. 😁
Nice !👍
Oooh! Source of rescue T?
I really can’t remember sorry.😞 It’s been a while since purchase.
I was toying with powering up the VCR on here a couple of weeks ago. Today could be a good day to demonstrate to the kids that Han Shoots first. In fact, I hate that expression. Han is the only one who shoots.
Some of the ‘new’ bits are vital. The rats line especially. I like the extra monsters but that’s every universe. Moar weird creatures.
@Seagoon_ Morning everyone.
So I still have a nose that alternates between being blocked and runny.
Yet I’m feeling less hungover than last week?
Sleeping in has worked wonders ☺️
It appears that drunk me not only did a load of washing last night, but also put it into the dryer too!
props for remembering the dryer 👍
@Seagoon_ It made life so much easier just folding and putting everything away ☺️
Feeling a little better after an afternoon nap, but still have a runny nose 😔
Main course.: lamb shank mother fuckers. Bingo. Drinking Coronas. 👍
yum, can’t ask for anything more delicious than Turkish lamb and beer
Is there dancing?
Of course and lucky for me I can do turkish dancing.
I have been watching various movies, readings and videos of Beowulf and about Beowulf. ( I read the book a long time ago, before Heaney’s translation ) Here are some.
Beowulf by Robert Zemeckis. Whyyyyyyy. It could have been awesome but it looked like crap. 2 hobbits
Beowulf , documentary by Michael Woods, 4 hobbits
History documentary by some academic poetry chap, 3 hobbits
Beowulf 1998 animation with Derek Jacobi, 3 hobbits
The Hobbit , for following Tolkein’s texts on Beowulf and the book The Hobbit and for general awesomeness in heroic story telling, 6 out 5 hobbits. I love it even more now,
Ok now you’ve got me interested in watching one of the films.
The 1998 one is 30 minutes and on youtube ✅
the series with William Hurt was so bad I didn’t even review it
I yelled at the zemeckis movie, what a waste of actors
Michael Woods is always good, it made me want to travel all over England and see these places
Monarch of the Glen by Neil Gaiman (a novella in his short story collection Fragile Things) sort of includes Grendle. It also serves as a small sequel to American Gods. I like his take.
Apparently Grendel Grendel Grendel is awesome but I’ve never been able to find a copy.
EDIT: it’s now on Prime.Is “Bea Wolf” on your radar?
It’s an illustrated children’s book about a children’s party in a treehouse.
But apparently somehow it’s an adaptation of the ancient epic?
Banging out some fall out boy. Life was so simple. Thx for the memories
Got a heap of gardening done today, so I’m feeling very accomplished. Green bin full, and several tubs full lined up ready to go. Now a friend is over and we’re watching ‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo’ at her suggestion. Perfect way to spend a Saturday!
I haven’t been practicing. I’ve been feeling sick all the time, too depressed to stick with anything, and any good art I post would just get scraped for AI.
Edit: I’m slowly sipping some tea and moving over to shapes because trying to shade lightly and evenly with cross hatched ink is driving me spare
So sorry you are going through this. A hobby should be for enjoyment, so do what you can, in shorts bursts, without any notion of how much time you ‘should’ spend on something. Each new technique will take time but be rewarding. You are probably far more skilled already than you give yourself credit for. I reckon I would struggle to draw a stick figure. I would be supremely impressed by anyone who could produce something even close to those shaded examples!
Thanks. I just get discouraged and the health problems are unreal at the moment. I might just stick to casual practice without putting the pressure on
Ok so in my dream last night I had an epiphany. Countdown Scrabble.
In these rules, each round someone has the job of picking how many consonants and vowels.
Then everyone has a time to work out the highest scoring word on the board.
Whoever finds the highest scoring gets the points and places the word down.
Any unused tiles go back in the box and used again.
It’s a good idea but a usual 45 minute game would now turn into a 3 hour game.
I’ll see how it goes and report back 😜
Make sure you time it. Hopefully you don’t get left an X F Z at the end. Good luck.
Could always go by rounds too. Eg 3 rounds, 5 rounds, exhausted tiles
That’s much better. A quick game’s a good game. 👍
Loser sculls.
In these rules, each round someone has the job of picking how many consonants and vowels.
there would need to be two boxes
Then everyone has a time to work out the highest scoring word on the board.
Whoever finds the highest scoring gets the points and places the word down.
Highest scoring move or highest scoring word?
there needs to be a timer
Highest scoring move! Timer definitely needed
it would be a strange game.
In ordinary scrabble a player can win by having the best average word score but not having any very high scoring words. In countdown scrabble every move is the highest score amongst the players. A player with a good average but no highest scores would never get a turn.
Solid sleep in till 10:15am. What a whirlwind week it’s been. I don’t know that I can handle full time hours for long, but for now I gotta push on with it and recharge the coffers.
I can’t complain though, I’ve had some really lovely social interactions - I’m absolutely spent right now, but I think a lot of it is just lack of practice after years of mostly remote work and latterly not working full time. Not used to being seen, being accountable. Once I rebuild those muscles it’ll be easier.
I’ll have an option of going down to 4 days a week total in a couple of months so that’ll be a relief.
Today was a really high pain day. I’m getting so damn sick of this.
There is a professional who has suspicions about what might be wrong but after so long I kind of don’t dare to hope.