I don’t even know what to think about this one. I’m not angry, more confused than anything. There’s only one mod there so i asked them, and they said “It’s against policy. It’s the abbreviations policy.”
I see no such policy anywhere, so who knows what’s going on. Is it only the NYT that can’t be abbreviated? What about the US? Is LOL forbidden too? And if so, why are we forbidden from laughing there!
They didn’t even remove the comment.
The mod is user qrstuv. Maybe the only abbreviation allowed is when they say one? That’s a power trip!
It is if you don’t give a fuck about precise communication.
Usually this is what people who are too lazy or stupid to figure out how to be better people will act.
I’m sometimes lazy and/or stupid so i can confirm this with my own experience
Being wrong doesn’t make you any less of a cunt.
Ab-brevis. It literally means “to shorten”. You’re confusing it with something else.
It’s social media. It’s not a submission for peer review
Oh the irony! Stahp, we can only take so much of it