According to the tracking scanner Exodus (can be found on F-Droid), which keeps an updated database on trackers and runs your installed app against its register, you can track what apps are tracking you and clues of how. Saw that Boost is tracking me and uninstalled it and went straight to Jerboa. Jerboa is pretty similar to good ole’ RedditIsFun-app and easy to use, so I am personally recommending it.
From F-Droid:
Exodus (Exodus show you trackers and permissions in apps installed on your device.)
This is a rather sensationalist headline.
Every so often software developers need to eat food and live beneath shelter.
The developer of Boost provides a free version that’s supported by ads, or you can purchase an ad free experience for a one time cost. That’s been a standard business since forever.
There isn’t any grand conspiracy here.
Yup, the dev commented on this a while back here:
(In fact they’ve commented on this a few times)
I personally liked Boost, and paid for the ad free version to support the development. For what it’s worth, I’ve also donated to / bought a few others for similar reasons, and I keep a few Lemmy apps installed so I can test things out on the admin side.
Without recommending any particular app, I’d recommend this site, which lets you compare and filter by the factors that are important to you:
If you want a guide for new users, we have one here (tldr it links to the site above): is a neat comparison site, but I’m not seeing any criteria around use of tracking data; is that just implied with the free vs paid column?
As long as there is transparency, users can choose. Personally, I would rather not use a service at all than have ads or tracking.
It is an excellent app, I just paid for the version without ads, that’s all you have to do.
Exactly, we both get what we want, everyone is happy. I’m just saying that it’s important for both of us to have the relevant information so we can make our choices. Which this app provides. So that’s good.
then don’t use it
They probably aren’t using it lol
Developer’s needs are pretty simple, however. Keep clean straw for bedding, fresh coffee, and unimpeded access to an Ethernet jack. Your developer can have gummy worms or beer in small quantities, as a treat. Of course, the bulk of their diet should be ramen/developer chow. A simple correction, such as deleting system32 or not properly shutting down Linux, is usually all that is needed. They’ll provide you with years of faithful service.
Adopt a developer today!
I prefer to feed developers “flat food.” Just slide it under the door!
Pizzas and pancakes!
What if we want red bull instead of alcohol?
Red bull, in moderation, is acceptable. In fact, when you expect exceptional effort from your developer, such as ‘crunch time’, Red Bull supplementation is encouraged.
A productive developer is a happy developer!
I paid for the product, I encourage and support products i like instead of seeing ads, whenever i can.
Just bought the ad-free version. It’s easy to forget developers need to eat too
As someone who uses this daily, I had no idea there were ads… So I’m being tracked without knowing it. I’m… Not into this.
That’s literally not the case. If you’ve purchased the app the ad logic isn’t loaded, your porn habits aren’t being tracked.
I didn’t pay for the no ad addition. I just have never seen one. I am likely being tracked, though.
Next time, don’t assume. Adguard dns may be blocking it. That makes this situation a problem.