A threat of war, sure. But you don’t declare war like that clip of “declaring” bankruptcy. Even with all the wars the US has started, the last one declared was in 1942. Until Congress formally declares war, or troops start to move in, it’s still just a threat.
That said, it is a threat that everyone should take very seriously.
This is true, but I’m unclear on what the last authorization of force – that was hastily passed by Congress during whatever crisis or whatever lull between crises preemptively – authorizes the prezzy to do without a war declaration.
Congress has continually abdicated its position as a co-equal branch of government.
That sounds like a declaration of war
A threat of war, sure. But you don’t declare war like that clip of “declaring” bankruptcy. Even with all the wars the US has started, the last one declared was in 1942. Until Congress formally declares war, or troops start to move in, it’s still just a threat.
That said, it is a threat that everyone should take very seriously.
This is true, but I’m unclear on what the last authorization of force – that was hastily passed by Congress during whatever crisis or whatever lull between crises preemptively – authorizes the prezzy to do without a war declaration.
Congress has continually abdicated its position as a co-equal branch of government.