I love that out minister Joly flat out told CNN, and I’m paraphrasing, “if we are being honest America is a net exporter of immigrants and drugs to Canada. Don’t lie and say this is about drugs or immigrants it isn’t. It’s about destroying the Canadian economy so you can annex us for everything that makes us one of the most desired countries in the world to live.”
I love that out minister Joly flat out told CNN, and I’m paraphrasing, “if we are being honest America is a net exporter of immigrants and drugs to Canada. Don’t lie and say this is about drugs or immigrants it isn’t. It’s about destroying the Canadian economy so you can annex us for everything that makes us one of the most desired countries in the world to live.”
Seriously fuck America
America is also the number one consumer of drugs worldwide.
But I bet you won’t see any of that money flowing to help that side of the problem.
Just more boots to the door and guns in your faces while we take all your shit and auction it off while you’re locked up. Its sick.