The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women
The way that the visual centers of men and women’s brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
All for boob prrocessing
Hmm… Men are more excited through visuals while women are more excited by touch.
I’m not actually sure if you are joking.
Eh, I prefer my boob processing to be tactile. Juuuust to check.
What about trans men?
They can also process boobs if they’d like to
There have been some pretty interesting accounts of what it’s like to start testosterone. Vivid visual sexual fantasies and the like. Gives a new perspective on what being soaked in testosterone for decades does to your brain.
I’ll see if I can find some when I’m not on mobile.
You find testosterone better when not on mobile?
Yea accessing onion sites on mobile is annoying.
We have processed boobs now too?! First they went for our chicken nuggets, and we didn’t take notice…
Their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis should be twice as large as a woman’s, and that’s what guided their gender identities. Not that I’m a biological determinist, just a strict physicalist with no belief in metaphysical choice superceding determinism, but a lot of times the brain’s development has recursive feedback loops such that smaller choices early on can alter the size of brain structures along with sex hormones and the development environment in the womb or even outside of it for a while, the earlier the more significant. All I know is that the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is pretty consistently twice the size in men as it is in women regardless of the gender assigned at birth.
Trans men are assigned female at birth, FYI.
Yep, my point being that a trans man (AFAB) and a cis man (AMAB) both have their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis roughly the same size, twice the size of a woman’s. A woman’s is half the size of a man’s, regardless of whether she’s trans (AMAB) or cis (AFAB). So regardless of what the gender is assigned at birth, the relative size of the bed nucleus predicts the gender that the individual feels most comfortable as.
Has this been proven.
There’s evidence, but I don’t know enough of the science to tell how conclusive it is: grey matter%2C the main,the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3).
That was even more useless than this comment.
yeah… That’s why they’re trans men?
Thank god, i was worried they might be frogs.
Hormones are weird and wonderful things
Speak for yourself I’m too busy looking at ass.
Man ass, woman ass, gay ass, straight ass. Idgaf.
Lemme see them cheeks.
it was more about the word in the background
Didn’t even notice at first. Too busy looking at ass.
I think this is the most upvoted comment I’ve ever seen here
Because one comment has never contained so much truth.