President Joe Biden was asked by a reporter in Israel on Wednesday what made him confident that the Israelis weren’t behind the explosion that killed hundreds at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.

Biden responded that it was “the data I was shown by my Defense Department.”

Two U.S. officials told ABC News the Pentagon independently concluded the Gaza hospital blast was likely caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short of its target.

    1 year ago

    So not a defense of Hamas but because you ask. Here are a few news articles demonstrating genocidal action by Israeli government or calls for genocide by political/religious leaders in Israel. In addition there was a real chance of a two state solution with the Olso Accords but they were never completed with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 by hard right Israelis opsed to any peace agreement.

    I am sure that there are plenty more examples, they tend to just be not as widely reported. Also because someone is going to say something. Both the wide spread killing or the wide spread displacement of the group of people is genocide.

    The Facebook post from the article with with translation below(Google translate)

    in her in honor of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mr. Prime Minister It has just become known that Hamas took advantage of the ceasefire to kidnap an officer. It turns out that this sale is not going to end so soon. The failures of the operation were inherent in it from the beginning because: A - He does not have a correct and clear goal. B - There is no proper moral envelope that supports our soldiers. What is required now is to realize that Oslo is over, that this is our country - only our country, including Gaza! There are no two countries and no two peoples - there is only one country for one people. As a result of this internalization, a deep and fundamental strategic change is required - both in the definition of the enemy, both in the definition of the mission, both in the definition of the strategic target and of course - in the definition of the correct and necessary fighting ethics. 1 - Defining the enemy The strategic enemy is radical Arab Islam in all its metastases from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to eliminate all of Israel. The enemy in sight is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets - Hamas) 2 - Defining the task: The occupation of the entire strip and the elimination of all the fighting forces and their supporters. 3 - Defining the strategic goal: turn Gaza into Jaffa. A flourishing Israeli city with a minimum of hostile citizens. 4 - Definition of fighting ethics: “Woe to the wicked and woe to his neighbor” In light of these four points, Israel must immediately carry out the following actions: A - The IDF will define open areas on the Sinai border and close to the sea where the civilian population will be concentrated - away from the built-up area and the launch and tunnel areas. Tent camps will be set up in these areas until relevant immigration targets are located. The supply of electricity and water to areas that were inhabited will be cut off. B - The areas that were populated will be bombarded with maximum firepower. All civilian and military Hamas facilities, means of communication and logistics - will be completely destroyed. C - The IDF will cut the strip lengthwise and wide, greatly expand the axes, take control of controlled areas and destroy the nests of resistance if any remain. D - Israel will begin locating countries and immigration quotas for Gaza refugees. Those interested in immigrating will receive a generous financial aid package and will arrive in the receiving countries with significant financial capacity. E - Those who insist on staying and prove that they have no connection to Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel and will receive a blue identity card similar to that of East Jerusalem Arabs. And - with the end of the fighting, the Israeli law will be applied in the entire strip, the deportees of Gush Katif will be invited to return to their settlements and the city of Gaza and its daughters will be built as Israeli tourist and commercial cities for all intents and purposes. Mr. Prime Minister! This is a moment of fateful decision in the days of the State of Israel. All enemy factions, from Iran and Hezbollah to Daesh and the Muslim Brotherhood - are now rubbing their hands with pleasure and preparing themselves for the next round. I warn you that any result that is less than what is defined here means encouraging the continuation of the offensive against Israel. Only if Hezbollah understands how Hamas was treated in the south, will it refrain from launching its 100,000 missiles - from the north. I urge you to adopt the strategy suggested here. I have no doubt that like me, the entire nation of Israel will overwhelmingly stand to your right - if you only dare. With great respect and appreciation Moshe Feigli

      1 year ago

      Did you read those articles? The first two don’t address or hint at genocidal plans from Israel against the ethnic group “Palestinian” at all. The third article is about one (!) extremist politician who’s party didn’t even get into the parliament because they didn’t have enough votes. That actually goes against your notion that Israels goal is a genocide against Palestinians.

      This is not about disputing war crimes from Israel. It’s specifically about the question whether or not Israel wants an ethnical cleansing on Palestinians. And that this is the reason for the actions from their side.