A better example might be the collapse of communism in Russia and the former USSR. The system just got increasingly rotten until it crumbled from within. And despite the self-serving lies, Reagan had nothing to do with it. It was all down to the people in those countries who had finally had enough.
Trump gonna die ( kill by it’s masters ) so Vance can get promoted as the perfect puppet to push the US even more into dictatorship using the coup for more violent repression of everyone they dont like
My bet is Trump gets the 25th amendment treatment just after he passes the 2-year mark of his term. That way, the back half of the term won’t start the timer on Vance’s 2-term limit and the fascists can keep Americans sleepwalking for the next 12 years before we collectively wake up and realize we’re in a dictatorship. I hope I’m wrong but I could easily imagine this plan already having been drawn up.
Ummm…are you forgetting WWII? No one is coming into the country to help us drag them to the Hegue. Of course there will be compromise. The only other scenario is WWIII.
Historically, fascist governments are voted in.
They’re never voted out.
This is exactly what has me so horrified. Hitler was stopped as was Mussolini.
There’s no one strong enough to stop America and with our geographic and strategic locations we’re practically invincible. :(
A better example might be the collapse of communism in Russia and the former USSR. The system just got increasingly rotten until it crumbled from within. And despite the self-serving lies, Reagan had nothing to do with it. It was all down to the people in those countries who had finally had enough.
It was all Russia for some of them. The Hungarians did jack shit and it shows to this day.
Well, I’m hoping we are a little closer to Franco’s Spain, and things just peeter out once Trump dies.
Trump gonna die ( kill by it’s masters ) so Vance can get promoted as the perfect puppet to push the US even more into dictatorship using the coup for more violent repression of everyone they dont like
My bet is Trump gets the 25th amendment treatment just after he passes the 2-year mark of his term. That way, the back half of the term won’t start the timer on Vance’s 2-term limit and the fascists can keep Americans sleepwalking for the next 12 years before we collectively wake up and realize we’re in a dictatorship. I hope I’m wrong but I could easily imagine this plan already having been drawn up.
Why would there be term limits?
Franco’s a worst case, and there are still lingering problems in Spain due to the compromises made in order to restore democracy.
Ummm…are you forgetting WWII? No one is coming into the country to help us drag them to the Hegue. Of course there will be compromise. The only other scenario is WWIII.
There is also civil war though, or an USSR style dissolution of the union.
But they can also be ended with protests. See East Germany.
Yes, but that was more a case of the government collapsing due to Germans fleeing through Hungary and Austria.
Besides, I don’t really want to wait 50 years for the GOP to finally wither away.
40 years and while that was definitely an important part of it, it was mainly half a million people protesting on the streets of every major city.
Haven’t seen many people asking, but aren’t an awful lot of votes being counted by ES&S?
Who even says we voted this one in?
But they also seldom last long until they’re overthrown.
Mussolini had power for 21 years.
Franco for 36, though he took power by coup not votes.
And Orbán had 18 so far and 2 remaining from this term for a more recent example.