Mr Milei’s rival, economy minister Sergio Massa, called him to concede.

Former US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Milei on his victory, saying he would “Make Argentina Great Again!”.

The election comes at a difficult time for Argentina with rising inflation and an economy in crisis on peoples’ minds.

Mr Milei’s proposals, which included detonating the central bank, won support with voters desperate for change…

    11 months ago

    I like this list a lot. I’m actually going to bookmark it.

    From that article:

    Eco reduces the qualities of what he calls “Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism” down to 14 “typical” features.

    Which of those 14 typical features you see in Milei’s movement to call it fascism? Because I see none, honestly.

    Edit: Grammar errors.

      11 months ago

      you see none? Maybe open your fucking eyes

      From the get go, it’s a populist figure that rails against the left (so he’s a traditionalist attacking “modern depravity”)

      He campaigned hard on financial inequality and frustration

      Sometimes dubbed “El Loco” (the madman) by his critics, Mr Milei has promised drastic changes, which include ditching the local currency, the peso, for the US dollar and “blowing up” the central bank in order to prevent it from printing more money, which he argues is driving inflation.

      Not so bad, right?

      He has also proposed cutting welfare payments and slashing bureaucracy by closing the ministries of culture, women, health and education, among others

      Not so good either. I’d say that is approaching this point:

      Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”

      Which again is fine given the context, but it doesn’t stop there.

      Next we have,

      This model of decadence has come to an end. There is no turning back," he told his supporters in his victory speech, promising a new era for Argentina.

      On social issues, he wants to loosen gun laws, abolish abortion - which was legalised in Argentina in 2020 - and allow the sale and purchase of human organs.

      He believes selling human organs should be legal, climate change is a “socialist lie,” sex education is a ploy to destroy the family…

      Which leans towards

      The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”

      The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”


      Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”

      Especially since

      He’s denied the existence of a gender pay gap, despite statistics that suggest women in the country earn 27% less than men, and has been accused of ignoring the existence of gender violence and discrimination in a country where one woman was murdered every 35 hours on average last year.

      The election saw a shift in tone that could have far-reaching effects, said Claudia Laudano, a researcher and professor of feminist studies at the University of La Plata. “The legitimacy of all the work we have been carrying out for so long is being put into question, and that is very worrying,” she said.

      And lastly:

      His choice of Victoria Villarruel as his vice-presidential running mate shocked human rights campaigners in the country, in which 30,000 people were killed or forcibly disappeared under military rule from 1976 to 1983. Ms Villarruel, who comes from a military family, has defended officers convicted of crimes against humanity and proposed dismantling a museum which commemorates victims of Argentina’s military junta.

      Would seem to fall under this point

      Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”

      Especially since it doesn’t end there:

      Victoria Villarruel, Javier Milei’s running mate who vindicates the dictatorship and opposes abortion and gay marriage. The daughter, niece and granddaughter of soldiers who participated in Argentina’s last military dictatorship (1976-1983), the vice presidential candidate is stirring up the culture wars on behalf of her country’s extreme-right

      So between the two of them there appears to be plenty of fascistic bullshit to go around. None, my ass; no shit he ain’t Mussolini but his whole campaign reeks of fascism regardless

        11 months ago

        Largely agree with your general thrust but this

        From the get go, it’s a populist figure that rails against the left (so he’s a traditionalist attacking “modern depravity”)

        Is not what this means. Think “return to monke” kind of shit. Memes about white children in church clothes while their straight white parents grill.