A conservative will eat a bowl of pig shit if a liberal has to smell their breath.
You know what: I would smell their breath if they’d eat a bowl of pig shit. It’d be worth it.
Now we’re owning the conservatives
Can we raise taxes on Trump voters to pay for all of this?
If history repeats itself, China will institute tariffs in such a way so as to target Trump voting states/counties as much as they can.
But this whole thing will be disastrous to us all, to be clear.
Edit: Bringing a link from lower down in the thread: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/03/business/economy/china-tariff-retaliation.html
How will they do that?
Without looking at data, I would suggest taxing aluminum first because that will make cheap beer more expensive. Cities will tend towards bars (steel kegs) and independent brewers (glass bottles), while conservatives will drink bud lights from a can.
You could probably do way better with data, and China has more data than any other country. They will find the perfect product to tariff.
Tax whiskey, car parts, and agricultural output ( for example ).
Didn’t they just stop buying soybeans last time?
I’m having a hard time finding old articles from Trump’s first presidency but I remember some analysis of the retaliatory tariffs China implemented seemed to target products produced in redder states and counties.
Edit: Finally found what I was looking for (I really dislike mobile versions of websites btw).
Soybeans are the big one they hit last time
Sell them to me then. I need the soy milk for my coffee.
I’ve got some bad news about that coffee…
You don’t drink much beer if you think microbrews come in glass bottles. It’s almost exclusively cans.
Did I stutter?
Can’t states impose their own taxes on imports? Since that’s where the ports are? Like if the product isn’t going to be sold in the state but transported further, then put additional tax it.
“It’s hurting you too, so it was worth it.”
- Right-wingers
Don’t forget, the non-voters are just as complicit as the Trumpers.
Ah, yes, that’s the solution, sow more division.
meh. the “let’s come to a common understanding” ship sailed long ago
fuck trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, fuck everyone who voted 3rd party, and fuck everyone who didn’t vote.
some people will suffer more than others because of this, but you know who won’t suffer shit? billionaires, and that was the plan all along
The attitude that led to Trumps victory is born of the very belief that the ship sailed long ago. It turns out that when you paint your common man as a villain, their ego is all too happy to oblige. Or just burn out and stay home, calling it someone else’s problem.
I’m not sure why you are so eager to blame your common man when you yourself are quick to point out that billionaires are the problem.
The common man keeps falling for it when he has an obligation to be better
I do blame the common man. Shit like this is why I’m a misanthrope. Humanity is so disappointing. Biggest brains imaginable, yet not using them.
Reality is making me a bitter man.GTFO bro. this entire “we need to have ‘conversation’ with nazis” was never going to happen. it’s a fucking cult. they literally throw cold hard facts out the window the instant it veers out of alignment with trump’s propaganda machine.
it’s actually not surprising to me, that you’re blaming everyone EXCEPT ignorant brainwashed hateful racist misogynistic trump voters for trump winning. because you’ve also been somehow convinced that they are the victims here. you are 10000000% wrong, and i’ll repeat what i said ad infinitum:
fuck trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, fuck everyone who voted 3rd party, and fuck everyone who didn’t vote.
edit: this sums it up https://lemmy.world/post/22517923
Please go back to the start of this conversation. I did not say we should be learning to understand nazis. Fuck nazis. But your average person who stayed at home is not a racist, secret neo-nazi. A large portion of voters who chose Trump over Kamala are also not voting to hurt others. By and large, voters are uneducated by design, and feeding into that design by calling them all nazi’s is deepening the problem.
I feel for you, because I also know how you get to feelings like yours, but this attitude is one of many problems, and I am approaching it exactly the way I am suggesting we need to: with understanding and discussion. I’m not blaming you. I get it. And that’s exactly my point.
this approach has been failing for years. if you voted for a nazi, then guess what, you’re a fucking nazi. if you voted 3rd party, or didn’t vote at all, then nazism wasn’t that big of a problem for you, and you’re a nazi.
again, (and again and again), this “we need to have ‘conversation’ with them” has completely failed, as evidenced by 11/5/2024.
but seriously, how do you propose to talk to someone who dismisses verifiable evidence in favor of whatever fantasy bullshit trump just pulled out of his ass 10 seconds ago? someone who, instead of saying “maybe i misspoke,” will draw a shitty circle on a NOAA weather map with a sharpie to try and “prove” that he was right about where a hurricane would hit?
my advice to you is start really thinking about who your real friends will be under fascism-- trump voters? LOL
possible. however, unlikely.
Not division, just facts. Millions sat on their hands rather than do the bare minimum to forestall whatever the Hell the right wing is going to unleash on us all. There are plenty of reasons why Trump won and lazy shits who wouldn’t vote in light of Project 2025 are absolutely part of the problem. I’d tell you all to go fuck yourselves, but you already did…
Right, and that is awful, but it’s ignorant and self-defeating of us to make enemies and play the blame game instead of seeking conversations and understanding.
If you tell people this is their fault and make them into the enemy, they will gladly act as the enemy. And they’ll blame everyone but themselves, a fact Trump has been far too happy to exploit.
No. Going full bore worked for Republicans, I want it in my representatives and peers. No more reaching across the aisle, no more compromise, woke up or die
This is a gross misunderstanding of why it worked for the Republicans. But okay.
I’m not suggesting more compromise and more moderate politics. I am suggesting we stop building strawmen.
How do you know that every non voter was going to vote against Trump?
Don’t know that, didn’t say that
Yes okay what will they do to us? More nothing? Oh well.
They’ll choose not to vote again.
Is the goal change or smug self-satisfaction?
Well… no real loss then, huh?
Smug self-satisfaction it is, I see. Good luck.
It’s really just that there isn’t much point in desperately courting people who do nothing. Over and over again. With no real evidence of anything different ever happening.
If you can’t show up, that’s awful. If you don’t show up, that’s on you. If people notice you don’t show up and plan around you… that’s your fault. You weren’t there. You’ll probably never be. It becomes more sensible, eventually, to work with those who are.
Smugness is blaming them for accepting your intransigence. It’s not anyone else’s fault. It’s just you.
What’s the solution?
Mandatory voting. In Australia you have to pay a fee if you don’t want to vote. They seem to like it because it keeps the extremes out.
Right. The problem is that the people who benefit from the way things are happen to be the same ones who can pass the laws necessary to change voting to be mandatory. It’s not happening anytime soon.
Not to mention the fact a majority of this country (the US) is absolutely braindead politically and it will only get worse as the department of education is dismantled from the inside out.
Regardless, it’s a good idea. How many things worth doing should be thrown out because they’re hard to do?
Conversation. Understanding. Not creating enemies out of moderates.
Trump won because he appeals to people that we choose to neglect as simply ignorant, uneducated, stupid, etc. We have to accept that these people get a say, and show them that their decisions with Trump were not in their best interest, instead of continuing to insult them while their ego leads them to shoot themselves in the foot to spite us.
Vote for stupid and you get stupid
But I didn’t vote for stupid. Why do I get stupid anyway? Fuck. Who let the pigeon into the chess hall? You know they just shit all over the board then strut around like they won.
You didn’t vote for stupid. I wasn’t talking to you. See, there was another group of people, and these people voted for stupid. I am talking to them. Do you go around thinking everybody is talking to you?
Went over your head didn’t it?
Because. We. Live. In. A. Society.
This is not surprising. It’s just another example of conservatives not actually paying attention because they want so, so, so badly to be right about something.
Edit: typo
Would love to just tax right wingers on everything they voted for.
How about a choice on the taxes you pay by feature
Big military 5% Big ass military 10% Obama care 10% Duct tape care 2% Decent highways 15% I’ll ride a horse 2%
Responsible government with consequences 20% Corrupt bastards who rape the country 30%
It doesn’t matter. They’re all just pretend the prices are lower.
“It’s a delayed market response to the irresponsible socialist policies of the Biden/Harris administration.”
Someone I live near said it wouldn’t matter because his income would be going up, and his tax burden would get lower, so the tariffs would be off-set. Now his company is cutting everyone’s compensation, even the the c-suite, and, if the tariffs really are upwards of 35% on China, they are looking at moving to Europe
I wish the Government had a “You didn’t fuck around, so you don’t get to find out.” policy
Trump voters would do anything to own liberals. Like, literally. They want to own slaves again…
“Trickle Down” has nothing to do with tariffs. /pedant
But yeah… any gain a company or industry receives from a tariff will be more than offset by the tariffs other countries impose upon us. The US produces and sells a lot of things world wide.
It was all lies. Still is.
Curl is a good avatar for all these stubborn, ignorant conservatives wearing cowboy hats they didn’t earn, forever in their daddy’s shadow.
Well at least Carl came to his senses afterwards. I doubt the same will happen with conservatives
Does anyone in Temecula want free eggs?
Depends on the animal. We talking cobras?