True. He deserves credit for his honorous achievements today. And you too. You post some excellent memes.
Who knew the Gorn and Xindi-Aquatics could be such good friends?
BTW, Qo’nos Forever!
True. He deserves credit for his honorous achievements today. And you too. You post some excellent memes.
God the Klingons will be so disappointed.
Edit: Misspelled “orchid” as “orchard”. Totally different things.
What do you mean?
I’m a mix of a Boimler and Rutherford, except for Boimler’s stuck-up respect for authority.
You are High Chancellor Stamets, the Grand Proxy of the Ferengi Alliance, Vice President of the United Federation of Planets, leader of Risa, Consul of the Romulan Empire, and second only to Gowron himself. We applaud you for all the memes you have gifted us. Thank you.
That would have been accounted for in the first 3721 combinations. Your comment is illogical. You are irrational. You are hereby persona non grata on Vulcan. You will remain that way for the next 12.0934 years. I am Subcommander T’Plik of Vulcan, and if you wish to repeal your classification, direct it to Commander Sutok of the Department of Interplanetary Affairs.
deleted by creator
Nah, the Orion Hurricanes.
There! Are! FOUR! Lights!
But anyways it was a great episode.
turn into an octopus. I command you. I am your superior officer.
Honestly this should’ve been a lower decks story. Billups gets so angry he talks like that for the whole episode.
Last Time on Space Trek: The Next Crew “Contact Spacefleet Command. Let them know our situation.” says Commander Jean-Will Crusher, a German who speaks in a weirdly British accent, talking to helmsman Geordi la Troi. “Counselor Picard, what’s our situation?” he asks to Deanna Picard, the half Human half Vulcan counselor. “Captain, the crew of the Entership-C cannae take anymore! I suggest you give them a break,”
I mean Hemmer’s species (the Aenar) are naturally blind and see through telepathy, all of them. So that really doesn’t include him.
And WW3.
Honestly this is probably how it would go: “Hi, my laptop won’t turn on. I’ve tried replacing the power cells, charging it, but nothing’s happening. Can you help?” “Hmm… have you turned it off and back on again?” “Umm… it’s not turning on.” “It’s turning on?” “No, it’s-” “Hooray. I am smart. I am strong. I will go.” “Wait, don’t hang-” (hangs up)
You mean 4? Detmer, Ro, Gavin, and Welsey don’t have anything to use against the other 4.
EDIT: Detmer may have something against the other 4.
Nor are there minds being changed. That way, we can have faith of the heart, going where it takes us, believing we can do anything, having strength of the soul, without no one to bend or break us. Then, we can reach any star, as we got faith… faith of the heart!