If you lived 1900 miles West or East, you would see the same sky, just at different times. In this case, the difference in timezones would approximately be the difference in the sky you see. So if your husband is 3 hours ahead, he’d see the same sky about 3 hours before you.
If you lived 1900 miles north or south of each other, your horizon could be pretty different. But the stars directly overhead would be pretty similar.
If you lived on opposite sides of the equator, you might start to see different angles of the sky such that things directly overhead look flipped upside down. People in the southern hemesphere see the moon as upside down to people in the northern hemesphere.
Same as every other time in the US’s existence.
Invest in an index fund, let money sit. Repeat.
The US has been through turmoil before. Nearly every country in the world has had similar experiences. Unless you think the concept of capitalism is ending, just prepare for the future the way that’s been done for the last 100 years.