It must be wild to be so incapable and/or afraid of thinking for yourself… You people are fucking crazy 🤣
Wtf dude, is she like there with you rn or something? 🤣😂 Or is this just a really awkward propaganda messaging test run? If so, I’m not sure whether it’s brilliant or the dumbest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen
Except for the fact that it’s France
God forbid our public servants step away from the telethon hotline for a few minutes to actually do any fucking serving to begin with or anything…
But honestly, we’re gonna table that for a minute cuz I feel like whatever the fuck you got goin on here might be more urgent
Do you smell toast? You should absolutely google a list of stroke symptoms or something and compare notes real quick bro
Probably whatever you tell them to, provided they take the warning shots from the Apache choppers seriously 😁
This must be one of the nicest ways I’ve ever seen someone call a group of people morally bankrupt whores without using any of those words
I mean, he does kinda gives me some ‘Cybertruck if it were a human’ vibes now that you mention it…
Yiff in hell furf-
Wait, what
I mean, arguably at that point it would stop being your emergency bunker and just be your home, right? So… I see no downside to any of this
Except dude is talking out of his ass completely, as it takes multiple DECADES for changes in emissions levels to be reflected in atmospheric concentrations… But, ya know, reality is just like a matter of opinion now, apparently, so… It’s fun to pretend tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Boy, got awful quiet all of a sudden, huh? 🤣😂 Bro is over there desperately trying to convince himself that nah, he could totally live on Venus as long as he only measures the surface temperature as an average over 40 billion years, give or take
No shit, right? Cuz, I mean, it’s clearly making a difference and all, just look at the graph! 🙃
I feel like I’m taking fucking crazy pills anymore, i swear
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Ok, and…? Do you have a point of some kind here, or are we just going to simplistically cut semantic hairs and call it a day? Cuz if it’s gonna be the latter, I don’t really even understand the point of commenting to begin with since we’re apparently just going to go over vocabulary instead of, say, discussing… oh, I dunno, the actual point?
(The actual point of the conversation - and today’s vocabulary word, coincidentally - is ETHICS. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ )
… I am not a clever man.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I am soooo fucking sick to death of everything needing to be ‘open world’ (for some reason) that I could puke. Sure, some games may benefit from - or hell, even be downright enriched in some manner by - their use, but outside of a few, notable exceptions (Elden Ring and RDR1/2, in particular, spring to mind, for example) when I see a studio touting their “new and improved, expansive, X times bigger, blahblahblah” open world, all I can think is two things:
There will almost certainly be no more than five types (and likely significantly less, tbh) of copy/paste activity I’ll be expected to engage in shotgunned haphazardly across the map. The studios that go ‘above and beyond’ MIGHT attempt to switch things up a bit by slightly altering building or adversary layouts in places, but that’s usually a ‘best case scenario’ kinda thing, and you’ll probably be fortunate to end up with some sort of palette swap. How compelling, eh?
I’m going to be subjected to either a veritable fuckton of bland, faceless NPC’s with an equally bland line or two of ‘dialogue’ that is ultimately meaningless or a flimsy pretext to go over there somewhere for… reasons… or a handful or so of them that are inexplicably absolutely VITAL to (or otherwise the impetus behind) everything that is plot - which they have a flimsy pretext for, natch.
Look, I played WoW back in the day already. If I really desperately wanted to waste dozens of hours of my time delivering imaginary packages to forgettable people, or being sent in search of someone who is the only one who can help stop BBEG/the apocalypse/whatever - and will totally help, but need a favor first… Ugh - then I’d go back to the good ol’ WoW treadmill. I left that shit behind because I was sick of it all just feeling like checkmarks someone had to tick off somewhere to appease the C-Suite douchenozzles that don’t understand why we can’t add in a battlepass. (Those are SOOO hot right now!)
This comment leads me to believe that you haven’t had much ‘up close and personal’ experience with cancer… (Not trying to talk down to you in saying that or anything, btw, though you’re super fortunate if that’s indeed the case.)
Just for reference: during the early 00’s I would get a bill for somewhere around $10k each month for my dad’s chemo infusions alone. This went on for at least 2 - 3 years, if memory serves, which - for those who aren’t keeping score at home - ended up totalling nearly $500k by the time he died.
Obviously, not every treatment is created (or priced) equally, but… I think you can probably see what I’m getting at, anyway
Maybe this is just an oversimplification on my part, but I think of it like this: Say that my INSERT RELEVANT FAMILY MEMBER HERE spends weeks/months/decades of their life violently oppressing a population just beating the absolute shit out of someone(s) in order to gain - or maintain - some sort of benefit. I’m fully aware of this activity, yet still have no problems availing myself of these clearly ill-gotten gains year after year. Have I committed any crimes? Yeah, maybe I was, say, married to a dictator who did, but… How responsible am I?
To put it another way: If you saw someone attempting to attack/stab/etc someone else across the street from you, do you feel that you have a moral imperative to call 911 even if you do not personally know either party (having no political power or responsibility, say)?
“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing…”
Look, all I’m saying is: if Jesus died for our sins and you aren’t committing any, then I guess I just want to know why you insist on making his death be in vain? I mean, I know if I was to go through a whole ass crucifixion and everything I would like to think it was at least worth it