Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness and Yoga Instructor / Functional Stretching and Flexibility / Weightlifting & Strength Workouts for Martial Artists Balance & Arm balances Vegan, capoeira, martial arts mastodon - https://veganism.social/@3morereps
it actually does, there are good poses and movements for the arms and shoulders too - as chaturanga, dolphin, forearm plank, reversed plank, side planks variations and even upward facing dog 😃 and all the arm balances are exellent for this goal, but usually rarely done in yoga classes 😃
about the flow - this Friday! - basicly it´s yoga based bodyweight workout where you can burn some calories and work on your muscles - a bit more info in a video on MakerTube (PeerTube)
to sign in and try for free - please, use this link - https://3morerepsworkouts.kit.com/superflow welcome!
Thank you! Tolally agree! I also try to get at least one yoga session per week (but usually two) as a strength training mainly and also the balance, actually the balance is a great part I like the most - on feet, on arms and core 😀
yes, it helps with some strength poses and movements actually 😂 if you´d like - you can check these two my workouts for the hamstrings flexibility - https://makertube.net/w/7V7DPG5rxaH5c6HUfa8Xp5 and
https://makertube.net/w/gbjB6ezD1fn31sKTG2XttD 😃 as i use active way of stretching also - additionally it helps to develope hip flexors and quadriceps muscles which you need for L-sit 😃