Aquí quiero hablar de música, libros, ciencia ficción, idiomas, bicicletas, transporte público, urbanismo y deportes (fútbol, béisbol, básquet y lo que surja), pero realmente soy periodista que investiga la desinformación. Toots en 🇨🇴🇮🇹🇺🇸🇷🇺💚
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Cake day: November 5th, 2022
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@Jomn@candybrie With a few exceptions, nothing in the US is close to something else, because their towns were built for cars, not for people, and most of their cities, which were originally built for people, were bulldozed over and rebuilt for cars.
@Jomn @candybrie With a few exceptions, nothing in the US is close to something else, because their towns were built for cars, not for people, and most of their cities, which were originally built for people, were bulldozed over and rebuilt for cars.