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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The most effective method of protesting would be to find a way to get the masses to turn against the lawmakers in such a way that they convince the lawmakers to solve the problem that the protest is focused against.

    But most of these protests just piss off the masses. They run their day with traffic, they destroy heritage sites that people care about, and while they do get in the news and get some publicity, people’s memory is quite negative. And there are zero focus on anybody who could actually change the situation.

  • This Wired article is an interesting read, well worth the time.

    I wish we could see into the head of Stockton Rush a little bit more. The job of all entrepreneurs is to a large degree knowing who to listen to and who to ignore, as well as figuring out which rules you can break. Usually the lives of passengers and yourself is not on the line, though and that’s why so many of the highly competent engineers left his team.

    A lot of his decision making seemed money driven. He got quotations for testing services but declined because of the cost. Salvaging the old titanium rings from the old busted hull to use on the new hull was a risky choice but new ones were surely very expensive. Perhaps a much larger budget would have led to a more committed team of experts and the resources to test things to a higher degree of confidence.

    As this article points out, OceanGate just never came up with a design that was good enough for the job at hand.

    But what can you say. The ocean floor is littered with countless dreams.

  • Of all the billionaires who do exist Bill and Melinda would probably agree with you. Bill has been pretty clear that he always played the game to win but he’s also stated he intends to give it all away and he’s openly recruiting other billionaires to give it all away as well.

    I suppose evil billionaires could give it away to make the world a worse plCe, say by developing something like sharks with lasers on their heads, But again in these guys case they’re giving it away to help eliminate malaria around the world.

    If all billionaires were like Bill and the Melinda I suppose the world would be a significantly better place.

  • This is dumb. Americans are being ripped off by car prices and manufacturers who aren’t investing in this cheaper tech.

    The Chinese cars are cheap because they’re going back to basics. Compared to any US DOT approved vehicle, they’re slow, they’re light, they don’t have any bells and whistles. Four wheels, a motor, some simple electronics, and a battery.

    Ultimately, that’s all you need to get from one place to the next if you don’t need highway speeds or crash ratings…

    Will high tariffs cause local manufacturers to develop their own version of cheap electric vehicles? Doubtful.

  • As a layman, my interpretation is that scientists have observed a mutation in some prehistoric cells / creatures that is likely positive. In this case an algae and a bacteria somehow combined in such a way that they have become something new and better.

    As an optimistic guesser it seems like this probably happens fairly often and is either unlikely to survive or replicate for long. But, having observed something that we have known about is further evidence that we understand ongoing evolution and may have a better, more sound understanding of how life came to be.

    I guess that’s probably interesting because it helps us better understand what the building blocks for life are, and as we discover them on other planets or in other places in outer space we may better be equipped to understand how or if life exists outside our own world.