Demographics can tell you a lot about how it will go in 20 or 30 years, but trying to predict what will happen in 75 years — based on trends that have only been in place for a decade — is foolish.
It’s not like that the creators calling themselves “Visual Capitalist” wasn’t a dead give away that this would be based on foolish assumptions 🙄
The forecast comes from the United Nations. “Visual Capitalist” just made the graphic.
Visual Capitalist makes tons of great infographics, actually. I’m not sure how nobody in this thread has heard of them.
2 things:
- This isn’t a data is beautiful or map enthusiasts community, it’s c/europe.
- its not the most memorable name, and has the name capitalist in it, which at this point in our late stage era is a touchy subject at best.
fwiw: Info graphics are allowed, as long as they’re sourced.
And let’s not forget: Europe is literally drowning people who want to live there in the Mediterranean. There will also be refugees coming from whatever happens to the USA right now who want to get out. That map might be based on current population trends, but political events will change everything there.
Currently the illegal immigrants won’t get a work or resident permit to support the economy there, and with the the right wing politics in many countries this won’t change anytime soon.
Let’s be honest: this will change extremely quick when the industry is missing workers. Take a look at Germany - yeah, rampant antimigrant rhetoric, but you can work if you’re there after a while
Whose idea was it to make the color scale absolute instead of relative to the current population?
On the source there is a table with the percentages, so the creator of the map had that data but they choose to display this nonsense instead:
RIP Andorra.
No kidding. That’s like half of Lithuania.
There is a joke they say sometimes, something along the lines of “ok but just remember if you’re the last to leave remember to turn off the lights”
I love that people are beginning to review cartographic methods, I distrust (and love) cartographers.
Oh noes the ponzi scheme of capitalism will collapse.
Don’t worry, by 2100 famines will make those numbers look hopeful.
Depopulation decreases the tax base of younger people leaving older people with no support.
If fewer people come to my store and buy goods, I’ll be out of a job. Rinse and repeat.
These are features of any economic system. You might find this helpful.
But I’m sure you’ve got some genius way around all that, right? Let’s hear it!
Rofl, defending a ponzi like a Madoff lawyer :)
You have the economic perception of a petulant 4th grader. Adults are talking here.
Double-downing too!
And no, infinite growth isn’t a prerequisite for all systems, but it def is for the current flavours of globalised capitalism.
Make better quality goods but less
Then let’s add climate change to the table and all bets are off.
Oh no we won’t be considering that. We’re still pretending that’s just an issue for the polar bears.
The water wars and the subsequent great migrations alone, will make those predictors irrelevant, must less the wwiii that will follow.
Yea if we keep going as we are is likely to get REAL cold up in Scandinavia in a few decades, somehow i doubt the population is gonna increase from that.
Brown is good. There are too many people. We need to be less.
Too many for what? What’s the bottleneck?
Resources, living and recreational space, pollution…
Resources, living and recreational space, pollution
What’s the maximum capacity for resources, living and recreational space and pollution?
3 billion humans in the world. About 300 million for Europe.
3 billion humans in the world. About 300 million for Europe.
How do we calculate that?
deleted by creator
“Visual capitalist”, really…?
Better start f u c k i n’
Sure, Swiss is going to increase by exactly 158 POINT 7 Thousand.
We’ve been growing at 60k a year or so for decades. Went from 6m to 9m in just 25 years. This graphic misleading as it apparently ignores immigration.
I was referring to the false confidence of forecasting Switzerland to the hundreds.
It literally says it takes migration into account.
Well then it is wildly incorrect
And still people don’t realise what a blessing immigration actually is for everybody involved!