And now I see why he chickened out of the fight with Zuckerberg. Zuck vs. the X Fail Whale. Would have been epic.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Zuck, and would have been cheering for him to clumsily trip as he was led from the ring, but I do have my preferred order of courses in my billionaire buffet, and the Elon course comes first.
Is this picture photoshopped, or does he actually have this much of a belly?
AI generated.
These are real though:
Bro built like a deep breath.
And now I see why he chickened out of the fight with Zuckerberg. Zuck vs. the X Fail Whale. Would have been epic.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Zuck, and would have been cheering for him to clumsily trip as he was led from the ring, but I do have my preferred order of courses in my billionaire buffet, and the Elon course comes first.
Forget about Vantablack. Elonwhite is the new color de jour. It’s so fucking white that no light is absorbed at all.
That is not a normal human shape…
Instead of losing weight he’s been sucking his gut in or wearing a girdle. Joe Rogan has the same torso.
From what I’ve heard (code for too lazy to google rn) it was because he had liposuction, but kept up his shitty diet so the fat piled on weird.
That’s entirely possible as well. If you remove fat cells from one area, the others will pick up the slack.
Wow, he’s camouflaged for the boat
I have no clue and I dont care. I will share this and many more forever! Fucking garbage bag of oatmeal!
Spreading AI slop helps no one.
Yeah, I’d also linke to know the source.