Back in the day we poor people would have had all night ho downs and tore the barn down, or had naked drunk parties in the forest. We should get back to that
Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛
I’ve heard you gotta go to Ren fairs to meet all the freaky swingers
You don’t HAVE to but it does make it much easier
I could be entirely wrong here, but I remember hearing that if you ever go on the Star Trek cruise, it’s advisable to bring recent STD tests.
Bunch of freaky, sex starved trekkies? No surprised
Board game nights might work, but the board game folks like pain with their casual sex
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It’s funny, I got into my current relationship around the time the apps started coming out so I’ve never really used them, but I remember people were praising it as a lot safer for everyone involved.
And tbh I can see that being the case compared to the older school approach of nightclubs being majority populated with people actively trying to find someone to sleep with
I feel like dating apps are a lot more predatory than they were when they were first introduced. I mean predatory towards the users. Enshittified, if you will.
How? You get pictures and words from people you might like to date, same as it ever was. You can pay for bells and whistles, if you’re an idiot.
The companies that operate them are incentivized to keep people lonely to increase your usage for a chance you spend a little money eventually out of frustration or desperation.
Bots, catfishing, paid actors… When I attended university a while back, dating sites and their proxies unabashedly published printed ads on the blackboard for “chatting up people online.” A good opportunity for students to make some money on the side as you can chose your hours quite freely. You’d never get to meet the people you chat with, of course, as that was never the intention.
This is not strictly true. In many places, even in rural areas, there are still dancing events. They are not galas, they’re an analogue for peasants, but everyone’s invited if they care to look for the events, just like it always was. I’m sorry to those who don’t have this possibility in their respective area.
Look up “contra dancing” in your area
Bro wtf this is awesome
When my dad was stationed in South Carolina the town we lived in for a while had one of these. Shout out to Lugoff-Elgin, Home of the Catfish Stomp.
Are those events usually advertised on Craig’s list and have the password “Orgy”?
Swing dance, blues dance, etc. They all have awesome clubs in downtown areas, often with live bands.
What country do you live in?
Fun fact, my SO and I met at a dance (poor person gala). It still happens.
Let’s be honest. If I was alive back then, I would have been married off in exchange for a plow, 3 pigs, and 12 sacks of potatoes, if I was lucky.
Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You’re worth at least twice that many sacks of potatoes.
Hmm 3goats take it or leave it
I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. Literally, I don’t have any say in the matter.
I had tickets to a fancy gala to support one of the museums and I forgot to go, so I don’t see that happening for me.
They were there, waiting for you!
Probably, but due to my complete inability to remember anything that’s not in my phone calendar, we’ll never meet. Tragic.
You might want to check if they’re still there…
You didn’t go to galas unless you owned successful businesses or people.
I want this, but men dress up in their favorite version of “formal”. Classic black tux? Yes. A 19th century get-up complete with cravat? Absolutely. A tee with a tux printed on it & black jeans? Sure. Medieval finery? Bring it.
I want to see them trying to attract partners like they’re peacocks. I’d be curious to see who/what draws a crowd!
Women should do the same. I’d love to attend something like that!
You’ll just be swarmed exclusively by other men asking about your setup. But maybe that’s what you’re into!
(also blue jeans are not allowed at this event unless they are a part of the Canadian Tuxedo)
You’re gonna need a mop with a fit like that.
This exists at colleges and senior centers, surely we can get something in between…
Yeah but we also still have tavern wenches like your mother.
Uncool dude… Mother deserve to be treated nicely on the fediverse.
If she’s into “nice guys,” I guess I could role play.
So your answer to misogyny is more misogyny… How elegant !
That’s not misogyny, it’s objectification.
You know their mother won’t see this right?
They sure still exist here in France, they are called “ralleys” and yeah, you’re not invited (must be of a “good old family” or invited by one of them, they do that sometimes so the blood does not get too thick).
Sort of horror show if you ask me.
How so? They still need people to open the doors and do the catering.
Oooh they mean as an invited person? Pwffft na mate, everyone wants to be the princess but there’s not as many openings as they think.
I never go dancing in bals populaires whether for the forteen of July or for the fête de la musique but where do this person live not to have a place to go, dance and meet people?
I mean, if you want to go the capitalist way, nightclub are quite spread around the world…Yes, there are all kinds of dance events from the formal to the casual. It depends where you live, I guess what’s on offer.
Vienna has a fantastic ball culture for example.
I’ve always heared that LATAM would do the siesta cause they go dancing at night. I even meet people that move there for a few years just to enjoy the dancing culture.
Imagine missing out on nightclubs and all the other places a normal person can enjoy a night out…
Hey, that’s what I think when I walk past a local party for all the people that suck the dicks of the local political party.
Downside: Ticket fees and potentially clothes shopping.
I’m looking at attending one next month, proceeds are going to local LGBT youth programs, but goddamn. Minimum $35 to get in, $50 if you want VIP, and looking through my wardrobe, I have nothing to wear that qualifies for a black tie event. I’m currently maxing out at “high-middle class restaurant” attire.
I’m currently maxing out at “high-middle class restaurant” attire.
New-ish jeans/khakis and a collared shirt are the best anyone’s getting out of me. I last wore a suit in 2011, to a job interview. I’m done with the wardrobe games.
You’re the guy I always low-key feel sorry for at formal events and other dress ups.
“Poor feller looks so out of place. Must not have had a father to teach him how to dress. Maybe he thinks it’s expensive? I could outfit him for $100 and he’d look like a million bucks.”
If you wish your fashion to express, “don’t give two fucks”, you do you. I actually enjoy looking nice. (That was a Halloween party, couldn’t think of anything to go as but Tony Stark.)
Still, better than the guy who’s obviously uncomfortable in his ill-fitting, never worn suit. I feel for them as well.
You’re the guy I don’t give two fucks about.
Edit: Finally clicked the link. Just… wow. Hope the air doesn’t get too thin way up there on your high horse, from which you feel compelled to take potshots at people’s parents for not having passed down your refined sense of style.
You look like someone waitresses only tolerate because they expect to be tipped big.
You’re assuming they actually go to events where wearing a suit is expected, which for many is exceptionally rare.
ʷᴴʸ ᴬᴿᴱⁿ’ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵂᴱᵃᴿⁱᴺᴳ ᴬ ˢᵁⁱᵗ?
A lot of us younger people just don’t give a fuck. My last suit hasn’t fit me in nearly 10 years and I still haven’t bought a new one. If I want to look fancy, I’ll put on jeans instead of my usual shorts. My comfort matters more to me than your or nearly anyone else’s respect. One day years from now, I’ll have to go to my daughter’s graduation. For that event I’ll have a suit on, probably tailor-made. Until then, I doubt I’m going to be wearing one.
I can’t say you look all that nice in the photo either. But that’s none of my business and you shouldn’t care about my opinion anyway.
Every man should own a tux. I got 2 off Amazon for $100ea. or less. Dress shoes were $35, white shirts are a couple of bucks at the thrift. Second-hand ties might as well be free.
I haven’t owned a tux in 20 years, and haven’t been a man for 3.
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In fairness, maybe they didn’t want to assume your gender based on ambiguous signs like the (she/her) in your display name.