Your mom loves you, whether or not you got stuck with your homework.
Somewhat related:
Time: 2 weeks, take home
Questions: 1, multiple parts.
Open textbook, internet, collaboration with classmates, anything really.
Good luck
Finally, I’m almost done!
Part 17 is as much work as part 1-16
The worst is when one of the two questions is an open problem.
You can rather give 5 years for the last one…
That’s just a PhD
Questions: make them up yourself
And then some asshole goes “ΔxΔp ≥ ħ/2” and you’re like “fuck this shit”
and someoney says btw time is relative
Some guys say all particles are also waves, then some other guys says even feilds are just particles exchanging but then someone banged two protons together so hard and say theese particles are also emergent from some other feilds
We need to make a big bang to know if thoose feilds are also particles…
Isaac Asimov joke.
Back in the day, the astronomy professor goes to the college dean to ask for money for a new observatory.
The Dean blows up at him!
"You science people are always asking for money! Chemistry wants gold! Physics wants a dyanmo! Why can’t you be like the math department? All they ever want is paper, pencils and erasers!
“And the philosophy department is even better. They don’t need erasers!”
That means try with energy conservation, and if that fails you’ve got a lagrangian to try least action.
What is the sum of newtons second law
when the prof doesn’t allow a formula sheet on the exam and it’s worth 50% of your final grade
We never had formula sheets lol
That’s just stupid. It’s far more important to know how and when to use the formulas instead of memorizing them
Correct, but nobody cares. Atleast we are allowed to use standard “clark’s table” which contains some basic math formulas but not too much
Why, do they stop working after the class is over?
If you bring formula sheet in an exam its “cheating”
I don’t work in mathematics but my work strays into another STEM field, but every now and then I watch this short clip of Sir Andrew Wiles and think “fuck me, maybe it is achievable”.
Absolute legend, that man.
looks at his background clutter
“I cleaned up for the interview! Normally I need a lot more to be accessible!”
Makes me think maybe I shouldn’t have chosen math, I am not even 1% as smart as Andrew Wiles
To be fair, Andrew Wiles solved a problem that had stood unsolved for over 350 years. The best mathematicians in every generation since the mid 1600s could say the same thing as you! Should they not have picked math?
Thank you. I finally have something to show other so they can understand what I feel when I say “Math and I…have an abusive relationship.”
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