Bold of you to assume we’ll be allowed to have mid-terms
Edit: that’s just me being snarky. Keep fighting the good fight. Vote in every fucking election that you can, at every level you can - federal, state, and local (and, if you’re an investor, shareholder - that, I think, is an under emphasized vector here). Be an activist in every way you can, through every path available to you.
This is the opportunity for democrats running in the mid-terms to start their own town halls.
Bold of you to assume we’ll be allowed to have mid-terms
Edit: that’s just me being snarky. Keep fighting the good fight. Vote in every fucking election that you can, at every level you can - federal, state, and local (and, if you’re an investor, shareholder - that, I think, is an under emphasized vector here). Be an activist in every way you can, through every path available to you.