“One billion percent tariffs!” - DJT next week
Oh no, a 200% tariff that he’ll recall 48 hours later? How scary! Anything but that!
Less Scotch whisky going to American and less American whiskey coming over here? I’m struggling to see a downside.
Nice to see whisky and whiskey both used correctly. One of the wildest spelling rules I know of…
As a Canadian I’ll pick up the slack and buy more of your EU whiskey.
I like Irish — Jameson was my first whiskey and Red Breast is a favourite of mine. If Jameson brings back Crested I will purchase an entire case in day 1, I loved that one.
Currently I’ve got tons of Scotch — a few bottles of Oban, a couple Lagavulins, Bowmore 15, the Balvenie, Laphroig Lore, Edradour, Tomintoul, Cutty Sark, Glen Scotia…
I buy Macallan too but my shelf has too much on it to stock up right now.
You sound like someone in need of a Dalmore 18 or 15. I can’t recommend it enough!
I will keep an eye open for it
Aberlour 15.
Scotch isn’t from EU though.
where is it from then?
Scotland, UK, which is not in the EU.
🤦♂️, ah yes, my bad.
Stop playing around dude, just put 1000% on everything from everyone and go play golf. Surely that won’t burn everything to the ground and cause him to get dragged into the street by an angry mob…
Can’t form mobs if everyone sits indoors
Why stop there. Just put a million, billion, infinity +1 tariff and watch trump say infinity +2!
The guy is doing this as micro aggression than anything, I don’t see an economical strategy here just a stupid message from him
If you find yourself in a hole remember it’s a great hole.
~Donald Trump
Lmao, taxes/tariffs or not; everyone’s boycotting your shit anyway. Fuck you America!
I just want to point out Trump does not equal America. But, unfortunately, we kinda suck in other ways and have been fucking over other parts of the world for a while, so… 🤷
As an American, please boycott us (and Israel), this Fascist empire needs to crumble quickly
Yup. I can only agree with this sentiment.
The American people voted that into office, either directly or by not bothering to vote against it.
America collectively chose this.
I feel for those that actually wanted different, but until you can get through to your friends, family, and neighbours to fix this mess; America is going to be judged by the actions of the representatives they voted for.
Well, we are one of the most heavily propagandized countries on the planet. So, uh, wish me luck?
But, for what it’s worth, I stand with the common citizens of any country. Even Russia. At least in that I don’t bear ill will towards the commoners anywhere.
America desperately needs class solidarity. But, so does the planet. My two cents anyway.
There were massive amounts of blatant election interference, and Trump straight up admitted that they rigged the election.
It’s super disingenuous to say that America collectively chose this.
Did the EU tarrif American alcohol or does trump think Canada is is in Europe?
Quick edit:
EU out a 50% tarrif on US whiskey yesterday, it’s still unknown if Trump thinks Canada is in Europe tho
It probably depends on the moment.
I feel it oscillates from “basically already a state” to “European nation that happens to be next to us” to “damn Canadians won’t give me Greenland, must be the left.”
Greenland is basically Trans-Europe; born American but won’t admit it.
I’m … kinda ok with this particular, but my father was an abusive alcoholic. Although, his vice of choice was vodka which probably doesn’t apply.
But fuck Trump tarrifs still, I just want a heavy booze tax, not some stupid man baby hissy fit with the rest of the world.
The problem with that is people, especially alcoholics, are still going to drink. If its prohibitively expensive, they’ll turn to bootleg liquor which is probably contaminated.
Yup, I know. Actually, when they did this with cigarettes they did see it go down a little with adults but the main thing was that it helped reduce youth smoking. Teens have a tighter budget for these things.
But the bootlegging is unique to booze, so yeah.
Untaxed cigarettes are absolutely a thing
I mean, in some places. The tax is generally a disencentive to start the habit. I’d be curious to see a natural experiment comparing places with and without it as the US dropped it’s smoking rate to low teens (at least, until vaping became a thing).
What about mouthwash? What about huffing paint?
But non-alcoholics might start looking to thc instead. This could hit booze corporations with a double whammy of a hard hit to their bottom line while forcing a lot of their customers to seek alternative adulterants.
It’s abundantly clear by the state of our nation that we need to drink a whole lot less alcohol and smoke a whole lot more weed.
One amplifies hatred, the other dispels it. Blow Marijuana in a Republican’s face, it’s your civic duty.
What an absolute fucking man-child.
I see Jameson’s, I upvote.