You reply in the comments, and i try to guess your age based on a short conversation we have. That’s it!

    • Music in general; woodwinds in particular for playing, though I’m also fond of noodling around on my various kalimbas. Role-playing games. (The real ones, not the computer ones that are RINOs.) I used to be into science fiction and fantasy but kind of drifted away from that in favour of classics, folklore, and history. (Especially the intersection of the latter two.) Huge fan of museums; I count the provincial museum in the city I live in among my top ten favourite places in the world. I’m somewhat of a foodie with a strong fondness for Indian and (authentic) Chinese food.

      • GrammarPolice@lemmy.worldOP
        27 days ago

        Real role playing games? You mean like when people actually assume the character they’re playing and interact with one another? That’s pretty cool. Where do you live if you don’t mind me asking?

          • GrammarPolice@lemmy.worldOP
            26 days ago

            I’ve never gotten the chance to play those kinds of RPGs. I guess I don’t hang out with people who would be into that sort of thing.

            Damn, I’ve never interacted with someone from Wuhan before. I have so many questions, but i think I’ll keep them to myself.

            What do you do for work?

              • GrammarPolice@lemmy.worldOP
                26 days ago

                Wow, what a coincidence! I was actually thinking of going into that field. I’m currently a psychology major, but contemplating whether or not to go to grad school. I decided that if I don’t go to grad school, I’ll go into marketing. Specifically market research.

                Can you tell me a bit more about how you got into it, and whether i require some additional certifications?

                (Sorry to get off-topic, i just had to seize the opportunity)

                • I kind of stumbled into it. I studied marketing in university, did marketing for tech companies in Canada for what feels like too long a segment of my life, burned out and moved to China to a) teach English, and b) reconnect with my roots, then found an odd firm here that does marketing consultation for Chinese companies trying to market abroad and non-Chinese companies trying to market inside China.

                  I actually started off as a PA for the company boss, but I had a really good knack for teasing information out of obscure sources, and my general interest for cultural issues made me more suited than others to doing marketing cross-culture, so I started getting more and more little assignments in that realm until I was basically just a market researcher. (On paper I’m still a PA.)

                  So as with most things in my life, I just stumbled into things by meeting the right people and going to the right places at the right time. I have no special certifications, etc. but that’s more just because of how I tend to do things: “fake” it until I make it.

                  • GrammarPolice@lemmy.worldOP
                    26 days ago

                    Well, here’s hoping I too get lucky and stumble into the right people at the right time. Networking isn’t my strongest suit, so I’ll have to work on that.

                    Tell me about some of your experiences in China. How long have you been there? Do you prefer it over Canada?