• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Heh, indeed. In the end, we have a fight on our hands. If this election were to be decided like it should be, 70 to 30 AGAINST the convicted felon, if not more, then our resident Satanist could be ignored without a second thought. But it’s like 50.1 vs. 49.9 in the closest races, the ones that will decide the election in the EC, with the Shitgibbon just a HAIRS width behind Harris, and we’ve got all the same shitheads that we PROVED in 2016 were in the tank for Russia and Trump, pushing the exact same bullshit that the Dems are the evilest evil since the beginning of Evil and you should totally vote for the Greenie or somebody else or just fucking stay home, and it fucking worked in 2016 and was pretty damn close to working in 2020. And they’re using and abusing all forms of social media to keep shovelling their bullshit.

    Just 28 days, 4 hours, 11 minutes and 36…35…34 HEHEHE seconds until this shit is over. Here’s hoping it ends with the good outcome and not Trump for 4 more years!