• Global surge in antisemitic incidents following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, affecting Jewish communities in various countries.
  • Antisemitic acts range from verbal abuse to physical assaults, often justified by anger over the Gaza conflict.
  • In areas like the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and South Africa, antisemitic incidents have increased several hundred percent compared to the same period last year.
  • Official responses vary, with Western authorities generally quick to support Jewish communities, while some countries like China have not taken steps to curtail antisemitic content online.

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  • Ghost33313@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    The scary part is I’ve seen a schism in the left on this. There have been times where people proclaiming rights for Gaza in the same breath compare Jews to Nazis even though the problem is with the state not the people. Everyone on the left agrees it’s a human rights issue for both sides but unfortunately some are picking sides.

    Meanwhile the Jewish people are backed into a corner so things are going to get irrational from them as well. Although I am not Jewish myself I am very close to many and all of them are anxious wrecks over this. Every other faith has multiple nations which have their religion as a state religion but Jews have only one choice if that’s what they want. The ideal situation would have been surgical strikes against Hamas but Netanyahu gonna Netanyahoo.

    • tygerprints@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      Well to me, a Nazi is anyone who hurts someone else in any way to make them conform to their own limited beliefs. I guess in a way we’re all guilty of that. To me, humans everywhere have the God-given right to enjoy lives free of persecution and hatred, but that’s not the reality that we live in.

      I think both Muslims and Jews feel “backed into a corner” and one reason the war is raging is because, we’re very immature people (us humans). No one’s willing to admit they feel scared, and feel hope, and want this over with, and maybe the whole war thing is a big mistake. But to me, war always is the worst solution to any problem. (and it never brings a solution, only destruction and death).