Just trying to hedge her bets. Doesn’t want to be fully against Trump if he wins, but wants to be able to say she warned about this if he loses and the party collapses into infighting. Just a rat getting in position to flee a sinking ship.
her words about trump turning away women ring pretty hollow when she’s still going to fucking vote for him
My thoughts exactly. Fuck her.
If her words cause more than one person not to, she’s helping.
Proof she is a lizard.
She’s still gonna vote for him though
The “ripping to shreds”:
This is not a time for them to get overly masculine with this ‘bromance’ thing that they’ve got going. 53 percent of the electorate are women. Women will vote.
This surprised me knowing what we know about Haley kowtowing to Trump even after being denigrated by him time after time.
The problem is this news source. It doesn’t report she’s telling her supporters to vote for Trump
Here are others on the same story:
The Hill - Haley: Support for Trump an ‘easy call’
The Independent - Nikki Haley pens last-minute op-ed backing Trump and says it was ‘an easy call’ despite constant primary bashing
NBC News - Nikki Haley says Pennsylvania voters must ‘take the emotion out’ and elect Trump
the thing is she’ll instantly flip again if he wins, and asks for her be on his team. Not to mention she’s still voting for him anyway. Don’t believe the hype yall
To shreds you say?
And his wife? How is she holding up?
To shreds, you say.
Didn’t she say she’s still going to vote for him? I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her.
I can understand why.
Can someone let her know that no one cares what she says?
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